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Corals wanted

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Here is a wish list of corals I would like to get for my home/classroom tanks. I would like to get some faster growing corals for my home tank that I can frag for my classroom in the near future. I am still waiting to transfer my 40 out and 35 w/halides in, so they will all be going to the home tank until I do the switch.


1. Ricordea(s)

2. Softs, leathers

3. Clam(s)

4. RBT or frankly any anenome known to have luck hosting with clowns

5. I have never had experience with SPS and run T-5s at home so I would prefer to wait on these until I feel more up to speed on them


I already have frogspawn I can frag for the tank, a hairy mushroom, green star polyps, galaxia, some xenia, so if you have anything else you would like to frag at a low cost I am all ears.



Thanks and God Bless!

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3. Clam(s)



IME these are VERY hard to frag!!!!


You should also look for GSP and some of the weed growing montiporas, caps and digis come to mind. They are easy to grow under t5, and are easily fraggable. If you get some caps, you can do the cool checkerboard pattern and let them grow into one piece, fun for students.

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I have some clove polyup thats good fast growing filler, capnella, the branching star polyup and some colt coral that you can have. My office is in N portland by Widmer I could meet you one day and bring some to work

Pm me if you are intrested

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I have some stuff you can have from my classroom tanks. It might be a while though. Not sure when I will be in PDX again.


Perhaps a Eugene local can bring something up for you. Maybe they can ferry something from my tank up to you. Contact me first, I'll see if I can coordinate.

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I have some stuff you can have from my classroom tanks. It might be a while though. Not sure when I will be in PDX again.


Perhaps a Eugene local can bring something up for you. Maybe they can ferry something from my tank up to you. Contact me first, I'll see if I can coordinate.


Joel - we are working on making this March 15th meeting http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?t=10608 a big Frag Swap & Raffle.This will be a good opportunity for everyone to bring frags they want to trade, sell, give away, and donate! If you propagated them, you can also submit them to the PNWMAS Award Program. http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=78

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