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chaeto lighting?


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Is it better to keep the light on 24/7 or do the opposite of the main lights?

I have been running a single t5 light over the chaeto 24/7 and it has not been growing at all(scratch) maybe i am just retarded and cant get the stuff to grow i only have a little bit. Anyone around albany jefferson, or salem that needs to get rid of some keep me in mind.

thanks Lance

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There could be a few things that are affecting your growth. Could be that you need stronger lighting. Could be that your bioload or elemental compostition isn't just right. Could be that your spectrum might be slightly off. In general chaeto grows really well when in a nutrient rich or heavy bio load environment. Chaeto really loves strong lighting but will grow slower in respect to decreased output. Aslo spectums between 5.5k and 12k will produce the fastest growth.


If I could setup the ideal chaeto growout tank, it would be a shallow tank with roughly 3x3 footprint lit by a 400w 6.5k-8k mh lamp connected inline with a decently populated fish or reef system. Lots of flow through the chaeto to prevent detritus would make conditions really nice for harvest and light penetration.

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In the TFT tank, I have a lump of chaeto wedged in the corner. It is under 2x32w PC lights (one 10k, and one actinic). There are only three fish in 24g (only one up until Christmas break, then two more added). I would consider a clown, and two chromis a light to medium bioload.


The chaeto I have in there has quadrupled in size a couple of times since school started. When it gets too big, I trim back about 3/4 of it (take home or trash). Then watch it quadruple again.


At home, my chaeto seems to do fine either shoved in the corner of my display tank, or under 96w of 10k PC light.


If it is not growing well, it could be the nutrient levels are too low. If there is no food for the chaeto, it won't grow well.



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I have been emailing back and forth with Bob Fenner on this very subject lately. His comment was that only the genus caulerpa it well suited for 24/7 lighting. Most all others need the dark time because of the exhausting of the photosythates found in the macroalgaes. I had been running mine 24/7 with good growth in the beginning but found the growth to slow down over time. All that have seen the clownhouse know that it was not for the lack of bioload and nutrients. :)


Just sharing what I have heard.



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My chaeto grows like mad. In the four months I've been in Oregon it has gone from about the size of a softball to the size of about 8 basketballs or more. The chaeto lights are off for 8 hours each day. Before I started moving stuff back to SLC, I had this chaeto in 4 different systems each with a 23 watt standard CF bulb. When I can I like to do RDP lighting but most my systmes fuges are off at night with the tank. I DO NOT use phosphate remover. My phosphates and nitrates stay at zero on any test kit because of the chaeto.

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When I was growing chaeto, I tried many methods of lighting. It really does well in most of the methods that I tried but I defianetly suggest the strongest lighting for the fastest growth. It really does make a huge difference and does an awesome job of reducing your bio load if that is what you are going for. For a long while, I used only 23w cf screw in bulbs in a 6500k spectrum. Then I switched it up on some tanks to different lighting so that I could really get a good idea of which lighting back to back produced the best results. I eventually had the best results out of actinic white vho's. Since this was the stongest lighting that I used it was not really a big supprise, but the spectrum was kind of a supprise since it is right about 12k. I have heard that some wholesalers run 10-12 hour lighting cycles without seeing any loss in growth rate, and I would definately have done this had I been or were using metal halides but for the 23w cf bulbs, the cost just wansn't high enough to worry about it.

All around chaeto really just grows like nuts assuming you have the basic requirements. Nutrients(poo and such), some light(the stronger the better), decent flow, and a good lighting spectrum. I have seen some strands grow from abou the size of a softball to well over the size of a basketball in 1 weeks time. I have had 40g br tanks go from basketball sized clumps to 3/4 full in two weeks(regular churn rate for what I was doing). Pulling the chaeto apart to allow for maximum light pen and growth room really seemed to help aswell.

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I grow mine in the refugium, the lighting is reverse from the tank 11pm to 10am I have a Current USA fixture with 4 24" T5's and 250mh. The space is 18"x24"x14"deep(water) with live sand, rock and frag shelves, I uasually prune it and put it in the next chamber before throwing it out.

I pruned it back 2 weeks ago and its now covering more than half the space.

If anyone needs some I'm going to prune it sunday, pm me if you want some

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