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60g starphire cube build


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Oh i was asking you if it was more efficient or if there was a benefit to plumbing it inline, other than one less powerhead. Refugium is definitely an interesting concept, great for a place for pods and little critters to reproduce, also can help to prevent your ph from lowering during the night if you have it's lights come on opposite as the display, but as far as nutrient export, minimal if that.

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I was in at Waves today and Joel has the tank drilled and the back and bottom painted as well. We talked about the sump/refugium and designed it today and I think he will be building it in the next 2-3 days. Plumbing has started as well. It should not be long now.

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Well, I'm stuck at home for a few days due to a car accident. I HOPE to pick up the tank this weekend. I am having an electrician buddy come over and run a seperate 20 amp circut for the new tank as well (GFCI). I also have to move my current tank before all of this! Time to get busy.

I'm still torn as to what controller I will get - AC III or the Reefkeeper elite with the .net module.

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I'll be up and about in a few days - just a bit sore! Thanks everyone.

Matt - I am still trying to decide on what CA reactor to get in the near future. For now I will dose. I keep hearing about people having issues with the Koraliln and the top-mounted pump sucking air. I am also looking at the Precision Marine calcium reactor. I did go with the Two Little Fishies Phos reactor. I will be using GFO in it from day one!

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Krux - thanks for the link. I like that nano reactor, I'm not sure if it will be big enough for my system (I will be right at or just above the 75 gallon limit of the reactor).

Bryan, it was great to meet you as well. Hopefully I'll see you at waves again soon!

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Thanks Downhill! Joel at waves did it - he and I discussed it last weekend and this is how it turned out. I'm impressed. When I get it home I plan on labeling all valves and lines clearly - this will allow for someone to maintain it easier if I am out of town. When I do that I will post pictures and descriptions and show how the flow goes. I hope to bring home the tank this weekend.

My electrician is coming over tomorrow to run a 20a GFCI line to where the new tank will live.

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I really like the bleed off valve they too, not many others do! I'm guessing the people that were having problems with it sucking air, were not using the bleed off valve correctly, but thats just pure speculation. I would be more than happy to help you set it up, and maybe you can help me set up my controller when I get it, I'm sure you know your networking after seeing your mini headend at the call center!!

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Yeah, I know a few things about networking. I just re-imaged one of my linksys routers with a linux OS in preperation for my new controller. This allows me to use the wireless router as an access point and it does not have to be hard-wired into my network for the uplink :) fun stuff.

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