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Garrett thanks for the great hospitality for the Yheti and vertically challenged one! The Pacific Nass. snails are wonderful. It is nice to have a free range Nass. and not so much of a substrate dweller. Thanks for the paper bag of live rock handoff in your driveway. It seems like we were a little TOO good at the proccedure. That neighbor from down the road really gave us the Hairy Eyeball. You think he called the DEA?

You reffered to the Bali Green Slimer as a frag. in another post. Here is a picture next to my Red Sea Sailfin and he IS NOT a small fish!

Best Wishes, and hope to see you again!


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That handoff was epic! My neighboor actually stopped by with his wife to make sure I wasn't hustleing anything to mind altering. He is kind of a creepy guy himself, so I don't eve worry about it. I have been waiting for S.W.A.T. or the DEA to hit my house up for quite a while now. All of the metal halides have probably sent their infrared scanners through the roof! LOL. I always figured it would be a good opportunity to educate if that was ever the case but no such luck(laugh)


That bali green slimer is awesome and is a pretty fast grower too. The Yeti is a great guy and having the two of you over for a few hours made for one heck of a morning! I will have to have you guys over again once I get the next system up and running.



Thanks again!



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Alright guys, quit making fun of me. I am not a Yeti, just a Sasquatch...See watch this, definitely me, I'm not no stinking Yeti.




here are some pics of the stuff i got. derasa clam, blue maxima clam, and piece of purple unknown SPS. great stuff thanks garrett!!!










That purple SPS is sweet.


I like that Bali Green Slimer. Got any frags?

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well I cant find my transfer cord to load pics so no pics yet. havent been able to get the stupied scopias out yet but after the first night they seem to be doing fine the purple tang seems to be docile towards him:eek: still plan on taking him out though...... anyways garret all the babies are doing great I had to go into work so they didnt get to acclimate as long as I would have like but their doing fine...the only one I havent seen again is the sandsifting cucumber but my S. star is super active and all over an mr. nibbles( named by my husbands 3 year old little sister who just digs that he's her favorite color) is a pig he's always eating an out in front.the rose is doing well she settled in a corner and is hosting the maroon clowns just fine....she doesnt seem to be currently splitting but still has two feet(scratch)


thank you again for being so giving I cant wait till your up an running with a new system, I look forward to trading with you an getting some of those purple chromis(naughty) I really enjoyed my time visiting with you and your wife....you have great stuff and gave me some amazing deals...thank you very much and just so everyone know if you get a chance you want to do business with garrett...its in your best intrest!(rock2)



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Sounds like all the critters are loving their new home! I am glad to hear that. Its a relief to hear that the scopas and purple are doing so well togehter. The purple was never too aggressive to any of my other tangs, so I figured it would be alright. I am suprised the rose hasn't decided to continue slitting yet. I would bet pretty soon he will do so.


Thanks for the kind words.




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