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MadReefer's Tanks


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I'm new here. My wife and I just moved to Oregon. I'm from Utah.

My tanks are kind of a mess right now. The move from Utah was rough and I don't know when I'll be moving again. I have more tanks and equipment that are in storage until I find a job and a place to live. I'm doing my best to wait until I settle in to buy more fish and corals.

Anyway, I have 3 systems running at the moment.

29 gallon with a 20 gallon fuge sump.


20 gallon with a 10 gallon fuge sump.


60 Gallon with a 5 gallon mangrove bucket, this is a real mess right now, it's where everything went the night we moved and it's still on the floor.


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I sold a bunch before the move to lighten the load. Put all the fish and corals into bags and then into a cooler. I filled buckets with water, rock, and sand. Then I drove all day and unloaded it. My back hurt but everything lived through the move. Since then I've had two fish jump and some bad luck with a heater. I think everything is happy now.

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I thought it was the common silvertip and just grew different under my light until I found this- http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=597+2341+2512+2803&pcatid=2803

It grows like a weed and it's a great low light alternative for clown fish. I would gladly frag you a piece. It will take a couple weeks to get a nice little frag on a small piece of rubble. I'll let you know.

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Dude I didn't know you were from Utah. Were you part of Utah Reef's? So what brought you to Corvallis?


Tanks look good. I know how hard the move is. I moved up here from Southern California a few years back. Not fun.


Love the Banggia. Some nice zoa's too. I got some stuff to trade you for frags of those when your ready (naughty) :D

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My wife's family is from Corvallis. She wanted to move, my job wasn't too great, so I thought what the hell. I miss my friends and family. WMAS is great also. I owe a lot of what I know about reefs to Utah Reefs (WMAS). I'm really glad I found PNWMAS.


I'm hoping the zoas will grow onto the rocks around them, and then I can trade those rocks without having to cut the zoas off rocks.

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Perfect. I don't want any shrimp or hermits in this tank. I just hope it doesn't eat my stomatellas. But even if it does, there are other snails. It has been busy already, I saw it playing with a bristle worm and it's in and out of the rockwork chasing all the pods in the tank.

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I also bought some fish for my 60 gallon.

My wife wanted more clowns in the 60, so she picked out 3 new ones, now there are four juvenile ocellaris in this tank.

I always wanted a tang. Aqua Serene had a nice looking yellow-eyed kole tang, so I bought it. It is a little skinny but eating well so hopefully that will change soon. This is the only fish I have that was not tank-bred.


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Thanks for the tip on the flakes; the kole tang loves them and is also eating everything else I throw in there.

Here are a few updated pics.

60- I love the forest of algae and the fish seem to also.


20- I really like this new fish.

I'm thinking of building a canopy with a 150 hqi plus two 24" T5 actinic.


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wow....you got some sick tanks. I love the clownfish one. I want to do the same thing. As a matter of fact I thnk I will with the 36.


Thanks =)

Once I get a job and get my tax refund this year I'll be able to improve my lighting and setup all my tanks. That will make me very happy.:D

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aww thats so nice cazor comcast down here should have a opening in a month or so. your tank looks really nice I really like your zoos and rics.



I applied online for a job at comcast in Eugene. I don't know the electrical code so I'm not sure if I'll be top of the list.

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