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Aquascaping EVOLUTION!!!


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Here is the evolution of my aquascaping from start to finish on my 72 bow front. It has been a long time coming, and I have been happy with it at each step of the way, but now I am very excited. The only thing I intend to change is that on the left hand side in the final picture, I would like to add larger rock to open it up with the stacking, more like the right hand side. Please excuse the lighting differences in final pic, I am in an experimental stage with lighting.















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I think it's a great idea. I think that it might give some other people ideas on how to aquascape, including me...but dont forget to tell me what you think of mine. Let me know both positives and negatives, and everyone should do the same for other's aquascapes. Give both Pros and Cons so everyone can be more successful with their tank design.

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Yeah, the pillars are a failed experiment. After my SPS die-off, I decided to play around with the aquascaping since I couldn't really make things much worse. I was trying to give a sense of depth to the tank, but 15" front to back just isn't enough room to do what I wanted; it ends up looking kind'a goofy. I'll fill in the gaps on the right over time.

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I like the 2 islands concept of aquascaping that you are going for downhill. It sounds like you want to build up the left side to match the right side...I personally would argue against this. I think the "islands" appeal is lost when they are too symmetrical. My vision for a larger tank would be one massive island taking up around 2/3 of one side with a smaller island on the remaining area. The right side is nice and built up with good height...I would take a few pieces off the left side (off the top and the base in the middle) and fill in around the GSP toward the overflow box. If you look at the third pic in Andy's evolution removing a rock from under the overflow box and placing it on top of the pile on the left would pretty much do what I'm thinking. That's just MY dream though:p Great idea for a thread...i'm excited to see more.


Now that I look again, downhill, I really really like that big branch that is running through the left side...kinda looks like a waterfall or lava flow...very nice touch!

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Well I think the third from the last Andy, has the most depth. It appears to. I think what gives depth is an area that goes all the way from the front to the back, as you did, and I did in my last pic. i think if you kept the taller piles like in the third from last pic, and moved the rock with the xenia on it to the left pile, then you would get a much more dramatic effect of depth.

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I like the 2 islands concept of aquascaping that you are going for downhill. It sounds like you want to build up the left side to match the right side...I personally would argue against this. I think the "islands" appeal is lost when they are too symmetrical. My vision for a larger tank would be one massive island taking up around 2/3 of one side with a smaller island on the remaining area. The right side is nice and built up with good height...I would take a few pieces off the left side (off the top and the base in the middle) and fill in around the GSP toward the overflow box. If you look at the third pic in Andy's evolution removing a rock from under the overflow box and placing it on top of the pile on the left would pretty much do what I'm thinking. That's just MY dream though:p Great idea for a thread...i'm excited to see more.


Now that I look again, downhill, I really really like that big branch that is running through the left side...kinda looks like a waterfall or lava flow...very nice touch!


LOL it does kinda look like a waterfall coming down through the rock. I like the imagination. I think that I want to try something with the GSP. i need it to be isolated, but kindof want the middle to completely open. i dont know for sure yet though. i dont like the overflow box at all, i wish i just had a built in overflow. the box just casts nasty shadows in the tank. i do think you are right about having some difference in the two sides, now that i look more closely, i like the similar, but different sides. i also will probably end up moving my leather coral when it gets bigger to keep it from blocking the middle. i may end up having to get rid of it...

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