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Kris's 110 build...


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So I took a huge leap today, and glued in the plumbing for most of the closed loop and the returns...(scary) The one thing about plumbing...you glue it together and pray it holds! Taking it apart would be a bummer if a leak occurs. Here are a few pictures of the progress I have made.


The holes I drilled in MY WALL!!! (I think most women would loose it if their husbands did something like this! My husband didn't flintch!)




Tried to stay neat and organized but..




The first part of the closed loop.




Most of the upper plumbing is done! Now to finish it off....tomorrow!





I just want to say thanks to all who have given me confidence to build a bigger tank, and to let all of you know that I have done the majority of this myself...not to put my awesome husband down, but to hopefully inspire any and all females (who have the urge and the nerve) to go for it!



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Nice work so far!! I'm happy to see "coors light" was there to help out (hopefully those holes are straight (laugh))



I wanted to add...I was so dang lucky with this....I just put the tank there and poked a few pilot holes...didn't come near any studs, and the holes fit right around the new electrical outlet box!


Crazy. Now if I can figure out what happened to my wrasse...he was here this morning!



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Could be...its just that I almost lost that fish once when he jumped outta of the tank. I don't see any evidence of that now, unless, one of the dogs had him as a snack! I don't think that could have been possible as I have the top of the tank covered....


The mystery of Grumpy's whereabouts continues.

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Dang that is still spendy! At least CL is still cheap!


Well, I think I have been working on this all week. You have seen the mess, now here is the finished product. I finally got the closed loop DONE! I am going to get a temporary "sump" this weekend and fill'er up!


Wait until you see the rock work that I have created! This tank (in my opinion) is going to be sweet....








Moved the RO/DI again...



I think there is about 3 inches between the tank and the wall...



And the other side of the wall...


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So here goes nothing. I am really trying to get away from the "usual" rock work. I want something that I can clean around, that the water can flow easily around (to help keep things clean) and that is a bit more open...


Here a few pictures of my first attempt. These rock all come out of my DIY bin...in fact, its the last of it.










Now, take that, with the rock that I have in my 55 gallon as another tower...and that'll do it.



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