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Having to get rid of our saltwater :( It's just too much $ for us right now


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Ok so we're having to give up our prize and joy - selling things for what we bougth them for as we're really hurting for cash right now everything has to go. Feel free to make me an offer, worse I can say is no :)



Leopard Wrasse $25

Yellow hog fish $25

2 Royal velvet Damsels (special order) $20 for the pair

Flame Angel $45 (healthy and eats ANY food given)

Mandarin Goby Male $20 (single fish)



Cleaner shrimp (2) $20 each

Emerald crabs (several but are inside the live rock)

Conch snail $10

2 Anemone Crabs $25 each

Snails $1 each (2 large Zebra turbo's $5 each Size of a small orange)

hermit crabs $1 each

Tiger-tail Cucumber $25

Algae eating Cucumber $25 (Super cool camoflague type design)

Decorater crab $20

Peppermit shrimp $20

2 Choclate chip starfish $5 each



Rose Anemone (opens to the size of a dinner plate) $175 w/rock (obo)

Green Star Polyp (large colony) $30

Pulsing Xenia on a large rock $45

Branching Frog spawn (Many heads, I count at least 4-5) $50

Zooanthids - I only have small colonies left on a few peices of live rock right now now Say $25 for each of the rocks I have with zoo's. each probably weight 5lbs ish.

Kenya Tree $40 for both corals (with waving hand coral)


Sorry I do not have photos of these as we don't have a digital camera (it broke), I am trying to find some of my older photos to post. Please be patient, until then you can google images and information on any of the above mentioned items. I'm open to making appointments for people to stop by and look at the tank if interested in buying things.


A few more things for sale:

Live rock (aprox) 70 lbs (some with coral most without) $5 per lb (paid $8)

Crushed coral substrate (aprox 120 lbs) $1 per lb

50lbs white sand (with bugs and everything) $1.5 per lb


I will also throw in EVERYTHING I have left for saltwater, chemicals, salt, food, testers, etc!


Asking $900 for EVERYTHING!


This is also listed in Craigslist and is first come first serve sorry, will not hold anything unless you put cash down.

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Umm from vancouver, I'm guessing maybe 15-20 minutes, we're not far from the Glen Jackson Bridge (I think that's the name).


Live rock was purchased at Seahorse Aquarium Supply for $7.XX per lb (I remember it was almost $8 so I rounded up) I'd be willing to go as low as $4 per lb but some of my LR has corals and such on them so we'd have to neg on those.


Most everything in here I'm either asking what we paid or less. Money's tight and I got to try to get some of our $ back out of this so my fiancee does not have a heart attack LOL (I'm sure many of you can understand that)

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Sorry $4 is as cheap as I am going on the LR if you can find it for cheaper somewhere else I'd get it there :)


Sorry the leopard wrasse won't cooperate! He's camera shy LMAO! It's nice and healthy I believe possibly a female?? Not sure but from the descriptions I've read I'm leaning that way. Always first in line to eat come feeding time!


The flame angel I have not noticed him anywhere near my corals but I do keep some kind of seaweed/algae something or another in the tnak for them to pick on and eat so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with things.


Umm SPS? Don't those have to have MH for lighting?? We've only got VHO's so have tried to stay with the stofter corals so we didn't have to go upgrade lighting again.


As far as time to come over, why don't you PM me your # and we can try to work things out. I'm trying to plan our wedding for July 12th and since we're pretty close I'm running out of free time LOL. We can work something out though! Maybe Sunday afternoon???

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We're breaking down our huge system and only keeping a 25g hex for salt. A friend of ours is babysitting everything that we are keeping, what I have left here goes. Let me know if your'e still interested in anything, sorry about the confusion!

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