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Hello, and some LE corals to trade


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Hi, I was trading posts on Reef Central in the trading section a while back and one of the nice folks from PNWMAS letting me know about the group and suggesting that next time I was looking to trade, I should stop by here. Excellent suggestion! I'm excited to know that there is a reef/aquarium club here and I intend to join - maybe for the next meeting.


Anyway, I wasn't intending to trade frags quite yet, but I have one (War Coral) that is now growing onto my frag rack, so I guess I better trade it soon. I have a couple that are ready to trade now:


-Tyree Auction Edition War Coral: large frag (maybe 1" by 2")

-Tyree Sunset Monti (about 3/4" x 3/4")

-Tyree LE green polyp Toadstool (several full grown corals and a couple frag size, got one a long time ago and it's been budding like crazy)


I got all of my corals from from Matt (Al G Blenny) at ReefReady.net. I will get some pictures up over the weekend.


Some other corals I'll hopefully will be able to trade in the future include GARF Purple Bonsai, Pink Lemonade, Baby's Breath Favia, Palmer's Millie, Tyree LE Sky Blue Millie, Duncans, and Pink Jade. Sorry, none ready yet, but just so you know what I have to trade in the future.


I'm looking for other LE SPS and LPS. I'd really like to get a frag of Purple Monster and Tyree Watermelon - who wouldn't. I'm also interested in ORA German Acro (green with blue polyps) and Original Superman Monti (had one but lost in a refugium mishap, so need to replace). But I'm open to other LE corals.


Sorry to post without pictures, but I've been meaning to post for a while and haven't gotten around to it - so I thought I'd go ahead and post now and get pictures up ASAP.


Well, thanks for reading my long post. Have a good weekend.



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Thought I posted a reply with pictures earlier, but I must have messed up, because it didn't seem to save. So, here are some pics.


Sorry, but my expensive Nikon seems to have died, so I'm using my wife's cheap point-and-click - isn't that alwsys the way. So, the pics aren't very good. Not sure if it's the camera or me.


Also, sorry about the algae. I have a 250 watt MH on a 30 gallon tank, so it's a losing battle and I haven't done my gardening lately.


You can see the War Coral is beginning to grow onto the frag rack - not good. Not a very good pic of the Sunset, I'm afraid. The camera kept trying to focus on the War Coral.


Thanks for the welcoming comments. Pledosophy, thanks for the offer, but I'd rather not sell. I'm really just looking to expand my coral collection as I prepare for a tank upgrade.





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Well, I've gotten several requests from people asking to buy the LE GP Toadstool, so I guess I'll go ahead and sell them. I've never sold any corals before, so we'll give it a shot and see how it goes.


I have two frags and two full size available (maybe one more full size). The picture above is one of the full size toadstools that is available - not the mother coral. For size reference, the pic above is the smaller (male) of the two clowns - if that helps.


Price... (scratch) well, I think I bought my original frag for $55 ages ago, and I see frags on-line for around $75 (ouch). However, I'm a firm believer that corals should be sold cheaper between individuals than via retail - it's not like I have overhead to cover.


Let's go with $35 for a frag and $45 for a full size toadstool. I think that's fair (naughty)


Have a great weekend - Jason

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Hope that helps Jason.





Thought I posted a reply with pictures earlier, but I must have messed up, because it didn't seem to save. So, here are some pics.


Sorry, but my expensive Nikon seems to have died, so I'm using my wife's cheap point-and-click - isn't that alwsys the way. So, the pics aren't very good. Not sure if it's the camera or me.


Also, sorry about the algae. I have a 250 watt MH on a 30 gallon tank, so it's a losing battle and I haven't done my gardening lately.


You can see the War Coral is beginning to grow onto the frag rack - not good. Not a very good pic of the Sunset, I'm afraid. The camera kept trying to focus on the War Coral.


Thanks for the welcoming comments. Pledosophy, thanks for the offer, but I'd rather not sell. I'm really just looking to expand my coral collection as I prepare for a tank upgrade.

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