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Jase's 120G new project


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So here are a few pictures of my new tank, still getting set up since I moved into my house. I ran all of the plumbing into the garage(in hopes of avoiding a chiller this summer, fingers crossed), and plan on adding a frag tank and refugium here sometime soon. The tank is a 120g, 4'x2'x2' with corner overflow. I am still working on the stand (need to finish some paint, add knobs, etc.). Then tank itself has been up for about a month, and I have slowly started adding things from my 2 72gal bowfronts that are at my old house. Still have about 30lbs of rock, various corals, blue hippo tang, coral beauty, goby, a few damsels, snails, crabs star polyps etc etc...

As far as stock goes in this tank, as of right now I have a yellow tang, sailfin tang, cleaner shrimp, 3 clowns (false percs?), 2 have been together for quite some time, and in a desperate time I had to add the 3rd one in with them. After a few hours of mild fighting the clowns all got(clap) along great, which surprised me. Also i have a diamond goby, 2 brittle starfish, bunch of snails and small hermits. I have a bunch of different types of Zoos, but do not know the names of them, small clam, ricordia, 2 condy anemones(1 purple 1 green), rose bubble tip anemonie, white bubble tip (hid behind the rocks, still moving around), large star polyp rock, large leather (which was not opened up or happy when I took these pictures), and 2/3 other small leathers. Too many shrooms and various other things to list here.

Equipment: I am running an AquaC Protein Skimmer EV-180, and I love it so far. I have a mag 18 for the return, which runs through a SQWD to alternate the flow a bit. I will end up having a Koralia 4, 2, and maxijet 900 in the tank also, however I am running 2 maxi900's and a koralia 2 currently until I get my Koralia 4 out of my other tank. Lighting, I am running a dual 150w sunpod unit right now, which I figured would not be enough to light everything properly, but I am happy so far, so we will see if that changes (i have a dual 250w setup, and dual 400w in case I change my mind, and a pair of those new reflectors Nyles is having made, which I am very excited about!(scary)).

Transferring over my refugium from my other tank will be the next step, along with slowly adding my remaining livestock. I will be looking for a frag tank, or possibly tossing the idea of a frag tank/refugium if I could figure out a way to make it work, so that will also be coming up here soon hopefully. As far as more stock, I have been considering a flame angel, powder blue tang, volitan lionfish, harlequin sweetlips, and clown tang for a while, but I want to get things up and running for a while first.

Anyways feel free to add any comments or suggestions, as always, the pictures are not great, but they are all that i've got. Enjoy!






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Very nice. It is a tank to be proud of. I am amazed that you have had three clowns together for so long. Are they that much different in size? I have heard that if the second one is 80% smaller than the first, and the third is 80% smaller than the second it is possible. Is this their sizes ratios?



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Thanks for the compliments guys!


As for the clowns, the two that have been together are pretty different in size, I would say one is 2+ inches and the other is under one inch. The third one I added is almost identical in size to the 2+ inch, so I truly have no clue how they are not trying to tear each other apart(scratch), goes against everything I have read in all of my aquarium books etc, but hey i'm not complaining(laugh).


By the way I just got the 40 breeder with custom overflow from Uhuru (thanks man for the great deal) so that is currently being plumbed as a very large live 'fuge that may house a cardinal and some damsels. Anyone know of any negative effects to having fish directly in with chaeto?

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Here are some pictures of the progress of my fuge/frag tank...

The overflow was custom done by uhuru and has worked great so far, I am running a mag5 into the tank, which is said to pump 500gph max, so it is probably closer to 400gph with the 3' of tube I have running to the tank. In from the tank I decided to experiment with an eggcrate/pvc idea I have been tossing around for a while. Basically instead of the return filtering to the top of the tank, I have connected pvc and drilled holes in it to allow the water to flow from the bottom of the tank up. I figured this might circulate a bit better, give a different (and lighter) but necessary flow for frags (so they dont get blown over by a powerhead), and also to cut down on dead spots. I know its not the most novel idea in the world but I have been considering building one in a tank for quite a while, and thought I would test it out. Does anyone else have any experience with anything like this in saltwater? I have not seen it yet, but it makes sense to me.


Here are a few pictures of the new setup...





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And here is some with a bit of rock and life in it. Currently housing 2 yellowtail damsels, 2 striped damsels, coral beauty, pajama cardinal, pink skunk clown, and various snails crabs etc etc. I am just running chaeto for now, and I do like the idea of getting a few more plants, maybe a mangrove or 2, who knows. Suggestions??



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  • 2 weeks later...

Size may or may not have any relevance in the clowns getting along. If all the clowns were introduced as males the most dominant one will turn female & the rest will stay male and not fight. The biggest problem people encounter is when people introduce two females. Typically when two females are introduced to a tank they will fight to the death. I have had people that have bought up to 15 of my clowns for a single tank. They wanted to have them school around just like a bunch of damsels. From what I have heard all are doing great & the owner is very happy. All 15 came from the same clutch so all were introduced to the tank as unsexed juvenilles. As they progress there will be a little fighting for dominance to establish the female & male pair. All the rest will stay sexually undeveloped unles either the male or female dies.



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