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New member and new to the saltwater game! Damascus, OR

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Hello all,
Mike here! I've been keeping aquariums and various reptiles my whole life! My career had me stop in my early 20's due to being on the road so much playing music. Little over a decade later, I decided to try saltwater for the first time! I picked up the 12/15g nano tank by coralfish12g on YT. I decided myself to also document my journey on youtube as well for all my tanks! All my videos are here! <- my YT channel. 

I picked up a pair of clownfish from upscales, and for a while they were doing great! Now it seems as though they are fighting a bit and no longer sleeping together. I picked up a hammer coral and a trumpet coral, and i have my hammer sitting on the top rock and my trumpet about 6 inches below. My trumpet doesn't seem to want to open. Not sure if its lighting or if i chose a poor spot for him where he may be getting hit with a little too much current. All water params are great and salinity is sitting a 1.025. Sorry for the blur in this photo as I do need to clean the outside of my tank ^.^


Just thought i'd say hello and what my experience is so far a couple months into my saltwater tank life! 


Cheers! - Happy Reefing!


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Glad to be back in the hobby. It would be interesting to see which clown pair you purchased. I picked up a pair (about 3-4 inches) from Upscales back in October 2023 and brought them back in January 2024. The larger black female was overly aggressive to my 4 new additions. So, I picked up a black ice clownfish that has been doing well with the rest of the tank. 

As for the candy cane, I had a similar problem with them getting too much light to the point they were almost gone. I placed them on the sand bed away from direct light and have been spot feeding them mysis shrimp. They seem to be coming back, but it will take time.

Original Clownfish Pair 2.jpg

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Hey thank you! 
The ones I picked up are probably 1.5 inches long. They were sitting together above where they have the frags on display in those smaller tanks across from their reptiles behind their showcase tank. I know clownfish have a brutal hierarchy system, and I these were both the same size when I got them. Which is inclining me to think this is just a part of that process. I'm not getting nipping or anything between the two, but the black clownfish will do like a mini-charge at the orange clownfish and look like its nipping at it, but so far nothing on the fins(luckily). It seems the aggression came when the black clownfish dug out a foxhole under one of my rocks. For a week or so, they were sleeping together, and I noticed my black clownfish had a droopy jaw. I don't believe this was from locking jaws with the other fish and fighting as the orange clownfish always submits, but I can tell gets upset from time to time and will do a mini-charge back at the black clownfish. So I attributed this so maybe he got hurt digging out his foxhole(photo down below). Also looked like he had a little cut around his lip, so I immediately took out my carbon, and added some bactershield by Fritz, and i'm not even kidding, healed overnight. Since then, the aggression picked up a little bit. I'm thinking of perhaps moving my rock around to confuse them and make them feel they are in a new area to explore to eliminate that territorial behavior over the foxhole and hopefully restart the friendship between them. Here is the video of the fish here <- YT video of adding them to my nano. image.thumb.png.fa7839e56fbe31136ebdff00440525da.png

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There’s a breeder in the Seattle area and interestingly the black and white clownfish from the same clutch of fish were the most aggressive.  Unless the orange and white becomes more submissive you sometimes just need to remove one of the fish and try to pair it with a smaller clownfish. Rearranging the rock is worth a try .

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ahh interesting! Thanks for sharing that. Yeah i'll be moving stuff around tonight and I'll see if that works first and foremost! Hopefully I can take care of multiple issues here with one solution. I have to move the coral anyways to get them to the correct lighting and flow areas too.

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