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Looking for Filter feeders + NPS

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Location: Portland (Raleigh Hills)



After my recent system wipe I have been looking to fill in my tank with filter feeders + NPS.

Hoping to showcase the purpose of cultivating a multitude of live feeds. 

Currently dosing PNSB and mixed phytoplankton kept suspended via alginate. All pods, brine, and rotifers are fed by hand daily. They don't do well refrigerated.


It has been hard to locally source said critters. Any help would be appreciated. 


Currently have four species of gorgonians (7 total) who polyp 24/7. A local member has kindly offered some ball anemones to get started. 

I do have a couple dendros, hidden cup corals, and sun variations but I'm looking more for chilis, dendronephthya, sea apple, yellow cucumbers, gorgonians, feather dusters, clams, sponges





I've dreamed of keeping advanced care critters but held off because I never had the means to feed them. Now with 18 strains of phytoplankton, 8 species of copepods, 3 rotifers, 2 types of brine, purple bacteria, and a refrigerated auto doser. Pretty sure I can feed whatever I want.

No chemical or mechanical filtration as that takes food away. Haven't had to worry as live foods don't foul the water if consumed and the macroalgae growth covers the difference. 



Pictures of some survivors 

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I dont have any but if u could figure out a way to keep lace coral that would be awesome, they looks super unique and from my understanding no one has managed to keep them long term successfully...yet

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