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Rainbow BTA bleaching


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Hey so I guess the tapatalk app stopped working no wonder I stopped getting notifications lol. Anyway I got a rainbow bta couple months ago and he was happy and puffy till a little over a month ago. It looked like he was starting to split and then never finished the split. Ever since then he has started to lose color and doesn't puff up any more / bubble. Dose this sound like a lighting problem? To much par maybe?

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When you say it looked like it was trying to split, how do you mean? Nems kinda pull and tear themselves in half when they split. Does it have holes or anything?


i think in general this question is near impossible to answer without some parameters. Something must be off. Nems are pretty hardy and if they were getting too much light and didn’t like it, they would move. 

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Ya let's see some parameters. How long has the tank been running? Live rock or dry? What kind of lighting? Any other corals or nems in the tank? How are they doing? 

Fwiw bubble tip nems not having the bubbles is not a problem. Some just don't bubble up. Some have bubbles and then stop having bubbles. The reasoning is not understood yet but it doesn't mean they are unhealthy 

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So tank has been up since February. 140 gal display with 75g sump. Keep temp at 78° and salinity at 1.025 tropic marin pro reef. Dosing brs 2 part parameters in pic below. Tank is mostly lps. I have one piece of SPS thriving but other than that no luck yet with sps my guess isndue to stability with a few outbreaks I've had with dino and now cyano. Livestock and inverts are all healthy. Nem is fed directly every other day. Lighting is 1 g4 radion xr30 pro in the center and 2 g5 xr15 pro- one on each side of the xr 30. 


The anemone had split about 1/4-1/3 of the way across from one side and the foot visibly had become 2.



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None of those parameters are alarming and fall easily within acceptable range.


have you dosed anything for your algae outbreaks? Has anything changed? You mentioned stability issues, how bad are we talking?

I find it odd they split but are still connected. Can’t say I’ve had that happen, they always come apart and wander apart for me. Sometimes smaller splits might appear slightly lighter for a small period but typically match.

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