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Need some snails and hermits


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You should check out Reef Cleaners online!! It's an amazing deal so much cheaper than stores and you can enter your tank size and it will give you a bundle, I actually already had a few Snails just wanted to replenish my population and picked a smaller tank size bundle. For example you choose a 35 gallon tank you will get around ~60 snails, good Snails too like Nerites and Ceriths  you can customize it and add Snails like Asterinas, Turbos and hermits for like ten cents, or emerald Crabs for around $4. Shipping is included in the bundle so amazing deal [emoji106] by far best deal I've found

Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk

Edited by TaylorW
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Here's an example of what it costs and how it works, I chose 35 bowfront as an example and for $40 you get a crazy good deal! Shipping included so even better, at a store you spend easily$2-3 per snail or mored0a9307be66694c835a169dabfcacf07.jpg

Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk

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