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Donating a system?


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Is this the right place to offer up a donation for a full-blown working system for a school?  I'm not sure if this forum is generally for equipment/advice/assistance or for the tank because I've been off the forum for a long while.  I have a 29 biocube tank that I'm looking to part with.  It's designed as an LPS tank, but it needs more TLC than I've been giving it lately.  The whole thing is designed for automation so it occurred to me that it would be perfect for a school.  I regularly go on trips for 2+ weeks and the fish are fed and the the water is topped-off automatically so nobody would need to go in and do anything over spring break, for example.  There are 2 clownfish, a purple pseudochromis, a pencil urchin, a coule LPS that haven't been complaining too loudly about all the hair algae.  

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we do, in fact, take donations for the Tanks for Teachers program which is specifically set up to set up systems in local interested schools. We just recently set one up in a school in hood river.  Our TFT coordinator @Flashy Fins May know if there is a host location on deck that would be interested in having an already running system. 

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