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My little "experiment".


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Ok, so I just set up my tank about two weeks ago. However the rock and sand was being cycled in some tubs before I set the tank up, that was about 2 weeks.


I test my levels about a week ago...









Today I tested a few of them again






Now to my "experiment"

I am adding sugar to the tank to see if anything changes during the cycle.


I just added 2 tps to 2L of RO/DI water and added it to the tank.


So we shall see what happens...Comments are welcome.

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The sugar is suppose to act like zeo's bacteria or prodibio or vodka. The sugar will create good bacteria to eat the bad bacteria. I am hoping the sugar will speed up the process of the cycle creating the good bacteria faster, thus speeding up the cycling process.


I will not continue to dose it as I feel there are to many repercutions from it...In a thread I read on RC a guy from switserland is a some bio guy and says that he could see it helping the cycling process...I read this after I decided to it, so it makes feel a little bit better.

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Well my levels are at zero and everything is in the tank and doing well... I really think the sugar helped out alot...


When I added it, in less then 12 hours the nitrites and Amm were zero...after about 24 hours it went back up some, and has been on the decline to now...and its zero!!!! I monitoring what the tank looks like and levels, but so far so good!


The rock was in a very bad cycling tub with sand for about 2 weeks and then it went into the tank and the tank has only been cycling for 2 weeks...I did a small water change but other then that nothing has been changed!


So all coral is in there and looking great!!!!! And a new tank mate is in there...A baggi cardinal, that I got from Joel.


So if anything, the sugar method can be used to reduce nitrites and Amm to zero very quickly until you can get something figured out. I am not a scientist but this is what I noticed with the whole thing. If you have questions let me know.

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No, Cycled my rock for two weeks...set up my tank then added the rock for another two weeks...So the rock has been cycling for 4 weeks and the water in the tank has cycled for 2 weeks. I know it sounds crazy, but my levels were through the roof and are back down to zero and that is what matters... I am keeping a close eye on everything and my other tank is still set up so if something starts to go wrong I can just move it back...But I am not to worried about since my levels are showing zero.

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Very cool idea.I went so slow with my set up and curing of rock,that I didn't add a fish until 6 or 7 weeks( a bi-color blenny). That was just for a hair algae outbreak. The clean up crew just couldn't keep up with that stuff(emerald crab,snails,hermits and a brittle star).

I've heard that if you put some sugar in your tank that the corals will perk up. I have never tried it.

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where did the rock come from? Was it cured from an LFS or an established tank or mail ordered? If it was cured you should be able to add critters within days not weeks, mail order is another deal.


Interesting topic though, its new to me.

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where did the rock come from? Was it cured from an LFS or an established tank or mail ordered? If it was cured you should be able to add critters within days not weeks, mail order is another deal.


Interesting topic though, its new to me.


nope, it was mail order...Like I said, the rock and sand had been cycling about 4 weeks and the water was a little over two weeks. This topic has alot of debate between people on whether it works or not...I think it does...I would not relay on this method as a normal thing to add to the tank (no scientific proof that is helps corals), but as for helping to start the cycle I think it speeds up the process. Everything in my tank is doing very well....all my levels are zero. Another piont to how well my tank is doing, one of my LPS frags I got from you (Joel aka Waves), got stung by my hammer and the tissue is already starting to cover the dead spots and is looking heathly and almost recovered, that is in two days time.


However I am getting the [language filter] brown dino crap on my rock and sand bed...but my levels are good and everything is heathly.

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