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Doser or carx?


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Dosing pumps or carx? 

I get each has its pros and it's cons, but from a reliability standpoint? Which one is closer to a "set and forget" kinda setup? Will a doser be able to keep up with a heavily stocked sps/lps reef as it matures? Will I spend more on c02 and media, or on alk cal and Mag supplements? Am I gonna be forced into daily testing my alk again? With my garbage jebao doser I was constantly making minor adjustments and I hated it. Ive been looking at the ghl doser, alkatronic, and a few others. Some of them I've noticed have some interesting fail-safes. I've also seen quite a few carx setups with multiple fail-safes that seem to do really really well. This will be for my current 93g setup, but I'm working on getting me and my brothers 210 build off the ground (literally, need a stand to start making real progress) 😂 basically I want to know, overall which is more reliable? Which one will give my tank the most stability? Which setup will cost me more long term? 

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34 minutes ago, River City Corals said:

I have the Ghl and this it’s the bomb

What's the and this? I've heard great things about the ghl, and it's been sitting in my shopping cart for 3 months now lol. Just can't bring myself to order it,  half of me is convinced carx is the way to go.

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Like the simplicity of the GHl and it’s accuracy I have found that CaRx can be a bit challenging to get dialed in and never seem to be “set it and forget it”. I think if you go carx route investing in a peristaltic pump is s must as they consistently deliver same rate of flow all the time. Just my .02 

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Also Taylor as far as cost goes. I think until you have massive colonies in the 210 cost for supplements should be negligible as far as your 93. I would think the hassle of and cost to set up a reliable CaRx would  steer me away they days. But each person has their preference and dosing is just mine right now 

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