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RedSea max nano


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First time on a forum. This tank was a splurge, not really planned. I went into CB's tropical a little over a year ago for a small tank to house my mom's large pond goldfish for the winter. Walked out with a RedSea max nano and no home for the goldfish. They did winter over just fine, even had babies. Got 20 lbs of caribsea sand plus same in the cycling rock he keeps. Think it's caribsea life rock. Set it up, waited for water to clear then a week later was told to add biospira and a couple of Wyoming White clowns to cycle. I'll be flamed, I didn't know any better, won't cycle again with fish after researching over the last year. They lived and are paired. Let it run for a month and went on Black Friday to a couple places and picked up some Coral. Just a small leather tree, small leather mushroom, brown finger leather, generic green zoas and a small stylopora. All have grown except zoas grew then declined recently. Have a variety of acans that do ok and a blastoma. I've lost many Coral since then that I purchased. Mostly sps. I've got some hammers and frogspawn, pink bird's-nest, other zoas that are not doing so hot, couple sps seem to be growing slowly. Leathers all need to be fragged again. I have a rbta that split and has grown again. My clowns host it, and my trumpet. Trumpet has doubled in size but slowly over the last 9 months. Tons of snails and crabs, which are really my favorite part of the tank. Except when crabs knock stuff over. Have 2 clowns, possum wrasse, tail spot blenny, yellow watchman goby. I had a falco hawkfish and a aiptasia eating file fish but they took a liking to zoas so they went away.

I run carbon, and some ecoBAKez sticks. 100 micron socks changed at least twice a week. Weekly 5 gallon water changes. Eflux wavemakers that I won't buy again, they seem to slow down even after cleaning. I can't run them below half or they stop. I currently have two ai primeHD over the tank as I upgraded my girlfriend's nuvo 20 with a Hydra 26. Not sure I run the right program but the one I ran for months before didn't seem to work. It's a Dan's reef v7 that I lowered peak across the whole range.




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  • 1 month later...

Cool little tank:)


Did you try the hydra over the nano? I’m only using one prime, which does ok, but have been contemplating upgrading to the hydra. I like how bright your tank is from edge to edge.


you should move the heater to the back compartment, they are just an eyesore out front. The chamber next to the filter sock chamber is where i have mine.






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I put a hydra 26 on my gf nuvo 20, not sure how you could mount one on these tanks. Hang from ceiling maybe. 

Not sure how a heater would fit in back, that's where the skimmer is, and it's 100 watt since a 50 could not keep it warmer than 72- 74 in the winter. It might fit horizontal under skimmer but what a pain to adjust temp and clean sump

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  • 5 months later...

Maybe it has more room to stretch out it's tentacles [emoji16] if it doesn't split it will just keep growing... There's not much you can do except get rid of it if you think it's too big, or try to convince it to split then find a home for one? I've always had excellent luck getting bta's to split and multiply like crazy but some people will have the same one for years without it splitting. I THINK it's because I tend to do larger water changes and its supposed to "stress" them into splitting? I don't know if that's true [emoji6] I read that somewhere when they started taking over my 55. Very pretty BTA though!


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This one has split once. I'm not sure if this is the original or the split. It just happened over night about 6 months after I got it. I think that brown leather was keeping it in check now it's gone this thing thinks it owns the tank. Interestingly my clown stopped laying eggs underneath it now that it's more expanded. I put a rock in where the leather was but it just expands around it. Now it's stinging my red planet, Stylo, and blasto

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  • 3 weeks later...
Any clue how to deal with this rbta? Ever since I gave my finger leather away it's been huge. 

You should consider Re-homing it. Otherwise it will own your tank. I’ve got the same tank and there is absolutely no chance i’d put an rbta in it...they just need more room.

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Not sure how a heater would fit in back, that's where the skimmer is, and it's 100 watt since a 50 could not keep it warmer than 72- 74 in the winter. It might fit horizontal under skimmer but what a pain to adjust temp and clean sump

I put my heater vertical, next to the skimmer, on the same side of the skimmer as the filter sock. Yeah if i ever wanted to adjust the temp i’d have to take skimmer out...but once you get it dialed in, there is no adjusting needed. I’ve also got a 100w

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This one has split once. I'm not sure if this is the original or the split. It just happened over night about 6 months after I got it. I think that brown leather was keeping it in check now it's gone this thing thinks it owns the tank. Interestingly my clown stopped laying eggs underneath it now that it's more expanded. I put a rock in where the leather was but it just expands around it. Now it's stinging my red planet, Stylo, and blasto

That giant Leather I got from you is doing absolutely amazing, I swear it's already grown the past few weeks and it definitely stands out. If you do decide to re-home your nem I may be interested, if your girlfriend would be ok with meeting again next weekend at C&C or somewhere I believe I'm buying a Rock Flower and possibly another nem or two from pdxmonkeyboy next weekend If he's available so I'd be out more your direction anyway and I can bring some cash, your Clowns may be disappointed though... My new tank is basically dedicated to Nems and still have plenty of room and yours is beautiful so I'd be happy to take it off your hands.

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I think I'm going to keep it. Hopefully it lives through the move to Idaho. I picked up a reefer 170 so if this nano makes it through the move I'm going to leave the clowns and rbta in it and nothing else. And if they have babies again I'm going to try to keep a few to put in the other tank, minus the nem.

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I think I'm going to keep it. Hopefully it lives through the move to Idaho. I picked up a reefer 170 so if this nano makes it through the move I'm going to leave the clowns and rbta in it and nothing else. And if they have babies again I'm going to try to keep a few to put in the other tank, minus the nem.

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