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The Eagle Has Landed


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It's been a long road, almost a year since I started putting things together, but I'm finally rolling! Many thanks to Ahbrit, who sold me about 70 pounds of some of the most beautiful live rock you have ever seen.. and then went ahead and gave me sweetheart deals on livestock, too.


The tank is a 60gal. I'm running 2x175W MH supplemented with 1x46.5" VHO Actinic. I've wired LED moonlights in on their own timer, and red LEDs for late-night spying too. My skimmer is a Red Sea Berlin driven by a Gen-X needlewheel pump (on the list for replacement). I'm using a 20gal long aquarium as a sump, and have an Eheim 1250 as a return (a bit underpowered I think, am planning on upgrading). I've got one modded MJ600 for circulation -- will be adding another in a few days.


Here's how things look right now:



Here's a closer look at the left hand side:



...and the right:



The coolest, most mellow Blennie you could ever imagine. He started exploring the minute he was done acclimating :-)



This Torch is settling in just fine. Scooter the camera hog in the background.



The Pincusion Urchin is already cruising the live rock looking for dinner.






Scooter the Blennie and his coral pal.



And my first hitchhiker on the glass. It looks like a starfish... a good guy?



Unfortunately, my good camera ran out of batteries before I could get shots of the Xenia and Acro. The Xenia didn't like the spot I picked out for it, so while my back was turned it wriggled free and relocated in a lower-flow area. The Acro (who was attached to a piece of the live lock) really got hammered while travelling. It's pretty banged up, but I think it'll pull through.


I'm really pleased with how the tank is shaping up. I may be buggin you for a bit more rock in week or so, Keith (daz)



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Looks great! Get us some equipment shots too :D


Ask and ye shall receive.


Here's the full tank:



This is my DIY lighting. There's 2x 175 10k MH, 1x 46.5" VHO Actinic, 2x blue LED moonlights, 2x red LED observation lights and 2x 12v fans in there. The MH, VHO and moonlights are all on timers. The observation lights are controlled by a toggle switch on the back of the hood:



The ballasts for the lighting. 2 magnetic (MH #1 and VHO) and 1 electronic (MH#2):



My sump, two chamber -- skimmer section and return. Skimmer is a Red Sea Berlin with Gen-X 3400 needlewheel. Currently using an Eheim 1250 as my return pump, but my Eheim 1260 should arrive from DrF&S today. Return section has live rock fragments since I don't have room under there for a Refugium:



My overflow is a DIY in-tank acrylic box and durso-style standpipe:



I'm also running a single modded Maxi-jet 600 for circulation. I'm adding a second one this weekend.


I had planned on a Refugium in or beside the sump but I don't have the room. Fortunately, I'm clear with the wife (love that woman :)) to add a full external decorative/functional refugium with Mangrove, live rock, etc. Gotta start researching those...

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Still coming along nicely. I've added a bit more rock and another modded MJ for flow. I had a little bit of cyano, but I think that was as much from the lack of flow on the left hand side of the tank as anything... just vacuumed it up.



Have spotted a few new inhabitants...








any ideas what this guy is?



Also, picked up this little fellow from Lise at SWF:



I had to evict the Hydnophora, it attacked two encrusting (what I think are) Montiporas after firing a salvo into my tank wall. It is in isolation right now and not looking too good *at all*. If you have a home for it, let me know ASAP


The NH3/NO2/NO3 cycle is stable. Evaporation is a royal pain in the assets, I top up almost 2 gallons of RO/DI a day. I'm starting to see foam in my skimmer cup. My Electric Blue-legged Hermit is MIA. Aside from that, things are going well.


Good times!

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My overflow is a DIY in-tank acrylic box and durso-style standpipe:



I'm also running a single modded Maxi-jet 600 for circulation. I'm adding a second one this weekend.


I had planned on a Refugium in or beside the sump but I don't have the room. Fortunately, I'm clear with the wife (love that woman :)) to add a full external decorative/functional refugium with Mangrove, live rock, etc. Gotta start researching those...


Hey with this overflow box how much water will drain into your sump in the even of a power outage? also did you make it yourself?

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Hey with this overflow box how much water will drain into your sump in the even of a power outage? also did you make it yourself?


About 3 gallons of water will make it back to the sump if the power fails. Yes, I made it myself. I made it a little bit too small, if I had it to do over again I'd have made it a little wider and deeper.

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Sweet brown zoas! Could those be the "Ultra Rare Plain Jane Hershey Kiss Brown Zoas" that ironically enough I don't have many more of because Mr. Varigated Rabbitfish has taken a liking to the taste of chocolate. (laugh)


Your tank is looking great! Can't wait to see how it progresses in the months down the road.



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Yeah, those Zoas are fan-tastic. It took them a couple of days to get used to my lighting, but now they are used to it they're really looking great. Good thing Ahbrit isn't very observant, eh? ;)

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Yeah' date=' those Zoas are fan-tastic. It took them a couple of days to get used to my lighting, but now they are used to it they're really looking great. Good thing Ahbrit isn't very observant, eh? ;)[/quote'] Keith is a zoa hater. When he first asked me for a frag of them, I honestly thought he was kidding! But maybe someday, he will realize the wonder that is zoanthids and have a tank full of them. Because he will be back... oh, yes! He will be back! He has saltwater running through his veins!


They are really neat zoas. Not the most eye-catching, but they have their own charm. I like them. I actually have a few of them in my nano that Mr. Rabbitses can't get to. So I'm sure I'll have another clump of "Plain Jane Hershey Kiss" zoas in the future. And if not... I know who has them! (laugh)



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