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June Meeting Frag Swap!


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So the June meeting is takin place this Saturday which means its swapping time!!

***I'm going to borrow Bert's write up since it was well written. If you're not ok with this Bert just let me know!****

"Our frag swaps are pretty casual but here is a good idea on how they work for those of your know may not be familiar with them.

If you would like, you can do your trading on the fly by just bringing by a few pieces and hoping that some one will have a desirable coral you want...Or better yet, you can post up what you have to trade and work out a pre-emptive exchange here on the forum. That method always works best for myself and others generally. You can feel free to use this thread to post your trade-ables in or start a thread of your own.

But First, let me get you some of Bert's basis tips for success here.

1.) make an attempt to have a fragment of reasonable size and health and try and get things cut and ready a few days to a week ahead of time to have the wounds healed up for the exchange. And double/triple check for pest invertebrates or algaes before sending your corals out, we try to keep invasives to a minimum here...And once you get your frags home, just in case, always acclimate the specimens then dip the corals before you put them into your personal aquarium.

2.) Try to package your corals appropriately. This can mean not putting a spiny coral like birds nest into a thin dollar store bag or not utilizing insulation on an extended cold or warm trip. Try a small cooler or Styrofoam. If you can't find either of these and the destination is a long distance, keep the vehicle air conditioned or heated appropriately. As far as packaging goes you can double bag and use thicker mil plastics, or something else like a Tupperware or specimen container. I have even used washed out yogurt or cottage cheese containers that stack well inside the coolers. Just use something that will work, nothing like losing a nice and colorful animal because the bag got too cold and leaked all the water out on the way home.

3.)Do your best to be courteous and fair to one another by not take advantage of each others ignorance or generosity. These are people of all levels in the hobby so give them the benefit of your knowledge and experience instead of the cold shoulder. And speaking of generosity, that giving nature has always been smiled upon here at PNWMAS and pay it forward tends comes back around these parts.

Well, the meeting is only 3 away so we got to get the ball rolling people."


There you have it folks. The wise words of Bert. So post up what you've got and let's see some trading!


***I'm not sure if there will be a frag Swap tank or not so plan accordingly!



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I'll have zoas, softies, and some LPS to trade. I will post pics tonight. I'm looking for different strains of Bubble Tip Anemones, ritteri Anemones or high end zoas. So let me know what you've got for trade and we can work something out!

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2 hours ago, Paratore said:

I'll have zoas, softies, and some LPS to trade. I will post pics tonight. I'm looking for different strains of Bubble Tip Anemones, ritteri Anemones or high end zoas. So let me know what you've got for trade and we can work something out!

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So you are going to be there Cody?  Awesome - look forward to finally getting to meet you.   (and drool over some of your coral in person)

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So you are going to be there Cody?  Awesome - look forward to finally getting to meet you.   (and drool over some of your coral in person)

I'm hoping to make it! About 99% sure I'll be there! There are some prizes I need to try and win so I can't miss it ;)

It will be nice to finally put a name to a face lol.



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Here are a few photos of coral I've got for trade. I have more not pictures, so if your interested so just PM with a color request and I'll see what I can do. Not all WYSIWYG but I can promise they look just as good. :)

I'm interested in trades for other zoas, bubble tip anemones and Ritteri anemones!

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55 minutes ago, Paratore said:

Here are a few photos of coral I've got for trade. I have more not pictures, so if your interested so just PM with a color request and I'll see what I can do. Not all WYSIWYG but I can promise they look just as good. :)

I'm interested in trades for other zoas, bubble tip anemones and Ritteri anemones!

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Those are some good photos.

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The top right is actually a purple mushroom. And the second one in on the bottom left is a a blue mushroom. Blues and purples are super hard colors to capture in pictures for me lol.

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Its all good Cody, I normally am totally up for a frag swap but had little time to prepare for one. I am still not too sure about being able to go to the meet due to other obligations, but be sure I am trying.

Well I hope you can make it Bert! Sounds like there will be some delicious food and the guys at TPA always host a good meeting.
This swap thread was a little last minuet so I don't have to much hope for it lol. Just wanted to get one up in case people had some pre-made frags they wanted to trade around. :)

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3 hours ago, Paratore said:

The top right is actually a purple mushroom. And the second one in on the bottom left is a a blue mushroom. Blues and purples are super hard colors to capture in pictures for me lol.

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Actually the pic is really pretty accurate now that I see it on a real screen!  Sorry about that.  Really like that purple shroom and the zoas all look sharp.  BTW - I have a colony of those eagle eyes I got from Scott early on and now there are two clear morphs - one with the bright green skirt like yours here, and half with a more yellow/gold skirt.  Have you seen this variation before?  I know they can morph but it is kind of interesting to see a colony with a clear line of demarcation (should get a pic sometime).

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Actually the pic is really pretty accurate now that I see it on a real screen!  Sorry about that.  Really like that purple shroom and the zoas all look sharp.  BTW - I have a colony of those eagle eyes I got from Scott early on and now there are two clear morphs - one with the bright green skirt like yours here, and half with a more yellow/gold skirt.  Have you seen this variation before?  I know they can morph but it is kind of interesting to see a colony with a clear line of demarcation (should get a pic sometime).

No worries!
Sounds like an interesting morph! You should get a pic! I actually don't have eagle eyes anymore, my colony died a few months ago so if you have a frag you want to trade, let me know ;)

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8 minutes ago, Paratore said:

No worries!
Sounds like an interesting morph! You should get a pic! I actually don't have eagle eyes anymore, my colony died a few months ago so if you have a frag you want to trade, let me know ;)

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Well, if I can ever get them off the rock in the display I will let you know - you would be welcome to some for sure.  Poking around a bit, the morph looks a bit like the "Atomic Eagle Eye" but not quite so intense coloration overall (might be their lighting/photo).



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15 hours ago, Paratore said:


I’m interested in what’s in the bottom left. Is that a nem or elegance?

if it’s a shroom I would like to trade or buy it if it’s up for sale. Not sure I have any more spectacular Zoas than you do and not in the appropriate frag size for something like that. 

I do have gorgonians but that’s not on your list and if you wanna respond/pm with what it is and how much I can bring it to the meeting

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I’m interested in what’s in the bottom left. Is that a nem or elegance?
if it’s a shroom I would like to trade or buy it if it’s up for sale. Not sure I have any more spectacular Zoas than you do and not in the appropriate frag size for something like that. 
I do have gorgonians but that’s not on your list and if you wanna respond/pm with what it is and how much I can bring it to the meeting

The bottom left is a purple hair mushroom that gets huge. I'll shoot you a PM!

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And if there are any zoa collectors out there interested in medium to high end zoas, I've got: JF Askrak, WWC Pink Krak, Butt Muncher, OG Vampire, electric Oompa Loompa, LC Petroglyphs, Darth Maul, GB Cosmic Flame, And AquaSD Arch Mage frags to name a few.

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