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Wondering if FOWLR section was considered for PNWMAS?


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I love reefs, but I'm also a big fan of large predatory tanks which usually end up FOWLR. Is there anyone else here that likes these as well? If there's enough, it would be cool if we could have a section to discuss FOWLR. Cause when I go to the Fish section I sure see a lot of Reef fish :P

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This has come up before and in a larger site it makes sense to have more subforums but the more subforums we have the more cluttered the site looks and the harder things are to find.

You can always put a FOWLR tank in the tank thread. In fact I have an old thread in there with a FOWLR tank. :)

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10 hours ago, Emerald525 said:

This has come up before and in a larger site it makes sense to have more subforums but the more subforums we have the more cluttered the site looks and the harder things are to find.

You can always put a FOWLR tank in the tank thread. In fact I have an old thread in there with a FOWLR tank. :)

Fair enough. I was just sayibg because I see sps, lps, softy, etc., but nothing for the more aggressive fishies.

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