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Stock Update From Santa Monica Filtration®


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2 - RAIN2 with 4 lights 
1 - RAIN2 with 2 lights
0 - RAIN2 with 1 light (1 week time to ship)

2 - SURF8
2 - SURF8x
4 - SURF4
3 - SURF4x
10 - SURF2 
6 - SURF2x
3 - SURF2xx

8 - HOG3
4 - HOG3x
2 - HOG3xx
5 - HOG2
6 - HOG1.3
20 - HOG1
6 - HOG1x
20 - HOG.5

4 - DROP1.4
2 - DROP1.4x
3 - DROP1.2
1 - DROP1.2x
7 - DROP.6
11 - DROP.6x
5 - DROP.2

8 - Fusion 700 air pumps

1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - black
1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - white

5 - 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
2 -- 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
10 - 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
4 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)

0 - WAVY (2 week time to ship)

Purchase at:

Selection chart:

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2 - RAIN2 with 4 lights 
1 - RAIN2 with 2 lights
0 - RAIN2 with 1 light (1 week time to ship)

2 - SURF8
2 - SURF8x
6 - SURF4
3 - SURF4x
10 - SURF2 
6 - SURF2x
3 - SURF2xx

7 - HOG3
4 - HOG3x
2 - HOG3xx
5 - HOG2
6 - HOG1.3
20 - HOG1
6 - HOG1x
20 - HOG.5

4 - DROP1.4
1 - DROP1.4x
3 - DROP1.2
2 - DROP1.2x
6 - DROP.6
10 - DROP.6x
5 - DROP.2

7 - Fusion 700 air pumps

1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - black
0 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - white

5 - 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
2 -- 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
10 - 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
4 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)

0 - WAVY (2 week time to ship)

Purchase at:

Selection chart:

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3 - RAIN2 with 4 lights 
1 - RAIN2 with 2 lights
0 - RAIN2 with 1 light (1 week time to ship)

2 - SURF8
2 - SURF8x
5 - SURF4
4 - SURF4x
10 - SURF2 
6 - SURF2x
3 - SURF2xx

7 - HOG3
4 - HOG3x
2 - HOG3xx
2 - HOG2
6 - HOG1.3
20 - HOG1
6 - HOG1x
20 - HOG.5

4 - DROP1.4
1 - DROP1.4x
3 - DROP1.2
7 - DROP1.2x
7 - DROP.6
10 - DROP.6x
3 - DROP.2

5 - Fusion 700 air pumps

1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - black
0 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - white

8 - 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
2 -- 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
12 - 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
10 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)

0 - WAVY (2 week time to ship)

Purchase at:

Selection chart:

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  • 2 weeks later...

3 - RAIN2 with 4 lights 
2 - RAIN2 with 2 lights
0 - RAIN2 with 1 light (1 week time to ship)

2 - SURF8
2 - SURF8x
6 - SURF4
2 - SURF4x
10 - SURF2 
6 - SURF2x
3 - SURF2xx

6 - HOG3
4 - HOG3x
2 - HOG3xx
2 - HOG2
6 - HOG1.3
20 - HOG1
10 - HOG1x
20 - HOG.5

3 - DROP1.4
2 - DROP1.4x
6 - DROP1.2
8 - DROP1.2x
15 - DROP.6
8 - DROP.6x
3 - DROP.2

7 - Fusion 700 air pumps

1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - black
0 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - white

8 - 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
2 -- 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
12 - 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
10 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)

0 - WAVY (2 week time to ship)

Purchase at:

Selection chart:

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  • 2 weeks later...

3 - RAIN2 with 4 lights 
2 - RAIN2 with 2 lights
1 - RAIN2 with 1 light (1 week time to ship)

2 - SURF8
2 - SURF8x
7 - SURF4
2 - SURF4x
11 - SURF2 
6 - SURF2x
3 - SURF2xx

5 - HOG3
3 - HOG3x
2 - HOG3xx
4 - HOG2
5 - HOG1.3
26 - HOG1
7 - HOG1x
15 - HOG.5

4 - DROP1.4
3 - DROP1.4x
7 - DROP1.2
8 - DROP1.2x
16 - DROP.6
8 - DROP.6x
2 - DROP.2

12 - Fusion 700 air pumps

1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - black
1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - white

8 - 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
2 -- 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
12 - 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
10 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)

0 - WAVY (2 week time to ship)

Purchase at:

Selection chart:

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Stock update for Friday, September 22, 2017:

2 - RAIN2 with 4 lights 
2 - RAIN2 with 2 lights
1 - RAIN2 with 1 light (1 week time to ship)

2 - SURF8
2 - SURF8x
6 - SURF4
2 - SURF4x
11 - SURF2 
7 - SURF2x
2 - SURF2xx

0 - HOG3
4 - HOG3x
2 - HOG3xx
9 - HOG2
5 - HOG1.3
26 - HOG1
1 - HOG1x
21 - HOG.5

2 - DROP1.4
5 - DROP1.4x
1 - DROP1.2
11 - DROP1.2x
16 - DROP.6
7 - DROP.6x
0 - DROP.2

12 - Fusion 700 air pumps

1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - black
1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - white

8 - 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
2 -- 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
12 - 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
4 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
4 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)

0 - WAVY (2 week time to ship)

Purchase at:

Selection chart:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Stock update for September 30, 2017

3 - RAIN2 with 4 lights 
1 - RAIN2 with 2 lights
1 - RAIN2 with 1 light

2 - SURF8
2 - SURF8x
5 - SURF4
2 - SURF4x
11 - SURF2 
7 - SURF2x
2 - SURF2xx

1 - HOG3
4 - HOG3x
2 - HOG3xx
9 - HOG2
5 - HOG1.3
26 - HOG1
1 - HOG1x
21 - HOG.5

2 - DROP1.4
4 - DROP1.4x
1 - DROP1.2
11 - DROP1.2x
10 - DROP.6
7 - DROP.6x
3 - DROP.2

8 - Fusion 700 air pumps

1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - black
1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - white

8 - 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
2 -- 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
12 - 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
4 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
4 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)

0 - WAVY (2 week time to ship)

Purchase at:

Selection chart:

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0 - RAIN2 with 4 lights 
0 - RAIN2 with 2 lights
1 - RAIN2 with 1 light

1 - SURF8
1 - SURF8x
5 - SURF4
1 - SURF4x
11 - SURF2 
7 - SURF2x
1 - SURF2xx

3 - HOG3
3 - HOG3x
1 - HOG3xx
9 - HOG2
4 - HOG1.3
21 - HOG1
3 - HOG1x
20 - HOG.5

2 - DROP1.4
4 - DROP1.4x
7 - DROP1.2
11 - DROP1.2x
10 - DROP.6
8 - DROP.6x
1 - DROP.2

6 - Fusion 700 air pumps

0 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - black
0 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - white

8 - 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
2 -- 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
12 - 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
4 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
4 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)

0 - WAVY (2 week time to ship)

Purchase at:

Selection chart:

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Stock update from Santa Monica Filtration:

0 - RAIN2 with 4 lights 
0 - RAIN2 with 2 lights
1 - RAIN2 with 1 light

1 - SURF8
1 - SURF8x
5 - SURF4
2 - SURF4x
10 - SURF2 
7 - SURF2x
1 - SURF2xx

4 - HOG3
3 - HOG3x
1 - HOG3xx
9 - HOG2
4 - HOG1.3
21 - HOG1
4 - HOG1x
19 - HOG.5

2 - DROP1.4
4 - DROP1.4x
7 - DROP1.2
10 - DROP1.2x
11 - DROP.6
8 - DROP.6x
1 - DROP.2

20 - Fusion 700 air pumps

0 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - black
0 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - white

8 - 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
2 -- 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
12 - 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
4 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
4 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)

0 - WAVY (2 week time to ship)

Purchase at:

Selection chart:

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Stock update from Santa Monica Filtration

1 - RAIN2 with 4 lights 
0 - RAIN2 with 2 lights
1 - RAIN2 with 1 light

1 - SURF8
1 - SURF8x
5 - SURF4
2 - SURF4x
10 - SURF2 
7 - SURF2x
1 - SURF2xx

5 - HOG3
3 - HOG3x
1 - HOG3xx
8 - HOG2
4 - HOG1.3
19 - HOG1
5 - HOG1x
19 - HOG.5

2 - DROP1.4
4 - DROP1.4x
7 - DROP1.2
10 - DROP1.2x
9 - DROP.6
8 - DROP.6x
2 - DROP.2

19 - Fusion 700 air pumps

1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - black
0 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - white

8 - 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
2 -- 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
12 - 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
4 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
4 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)

0 - WAVY (2 week time to ship)

Purchase at:

Selection chart:

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  • 5 weeks later...

Stock update from Santa Monica Filtration

2 - RAIN2 with 4 lights 
0 - RAIN2 with 2 lights
1 - RAIN2 with 1 light

0 - SURF8 (four week ship time)
0 - SURF8x (four week ship time)
5 - SURF4
2 - SURF4x
6 - SURF2 
5 - SURF2x
0 - SURF2xx

5 - HOG3
3 - HOG3x
2 - HOG3xx
5 - HOG2
1 - HOG1.3
16 - HOG1
13 - HOG1x
19 - HOG.5

5 - DROP1.4
0 - DROP1.4x (two week ship time)
6 - DROP1.2
9 - DROP1.2x
5 - DROP.6
4 - DROP.6x
0 - DROP.2 (temporarily unavailable)

14 - Fusion 700 air pumps

1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - black
1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - white

7 - 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
2 -- 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
12 - 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
3 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
2 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)

Purchase at:

Selection chart:

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  • 2 weeks later...

0 - RAIN2 with 4 lights 
0 - RAIN2 with 2 lights
1 - RAIN2 with 1 light

0 - SURF8 (four week ship time)
0 - SURF8x (four week ship time)
3 - SURF4
1 - SURF4x
6 - SURF2 
5 - SURF2x
2 - SURF2xx

8 - HOG3
1 - HOG3x
1 - HOG3xx
6 - HOG2
3 - HOG1.3
17 - HOG1
16 - HOG1x
11 - HOG.5

3 - DROP1.4
1 - DROP1.4x
7 - DROP1.2
7 - DROP1.2x
5 - DROP.6
3 - DROP.6x
0 - DROP.2 (temporarily unavailable)

17 - Fusion 700 air pumps

1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - black
1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - white

7 - 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
2 -- 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
12 - 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
3 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
2 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)

Purchase at:

Selection chart:

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2 - RAIN2 with 4 lights (1 week ship time)
0 - RAIN2 with 2 lights (1 week ship time)
1 - RAIN2 with 1 light

0 - SURF8 (four week ship time)
0 - SURF8x (four week ship time)
2 - SURF4
2 - SURF4x
6 - SURF2 
4 - SURF2x
2 - SURF2xx

7 - HOG3
4 - HOG3x
1 - HOG3xx
4 - HOG2
3 - HOG1.3
17 - HOG1
16 - HOG1x
9 - HOG.5

2 - DROP1.4
1 - DROP1.4x
7 - DROP1.2
5 - DROP1.2x
4 - DROP.6
1 - DROP.6x
0 - DROP.2 (temporarily unavailable)

15 - Fusion 700 air pumps

1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - black
1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - white

7 - 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
2 -- 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
12 - 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
3 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
2 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)

Purchase at:

Selection chart:

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2 - RAIN2 with 4 lights
1 - RAIN2 with 2 lights
1 - RAIN2 with 1 light

0 - SURF8 (four week ship time)
0 - SURF8x (four week ship time)
2 - SURF4
1 - SURF4x
5 - SURF2 
4 - SURF2x
2 - SURF2xx

6 - HOG3
4 - HOG3x
3 - HOG3xx
4 - HOG2
3 - HOG1.3
20 - HOG1
15 - HOG1x
11 - HOG.5

2 - DROP1.4
1 - DROP1.4x
6 - DROP1.2
6 - DROP1.2x
4 - DROP.6
3 - DROP.6x
0 - DROP.2 (temporarily unavailable)

14 - Fusion 700 air pumps

1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - black
1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - white

21 - 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
2 -- 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
12 - 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
9 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
2 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)

Purchase at:

Selection chart:

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On 12/9/2017 at 10:24 PM, Trailermann said:

I don't understand how your selection chart works.  I have a 30 gallon tank and your chart tells me that you recommend ten different products.  How does that help me select which one to buy?

If you check his site you can see all the models that will work they are all of different shapes & Sizes, so depending upon the tank and the space you have available you choose between the models that would work. You are using a JBJ 30 RL, if you are wanting to put this in the Right or Left corner Chamber, you would be looking at the Rain 1.2 or Rain 1.4


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  • 4 weeks later...

Stock update from Santa Monica Filtration:

1 - RAIN2 with 4 lights
0 - RAIN2 with 2 lights
1 - RAIN2 with 1 light

0 - SURF8 (four week ship time)
0 - SURF8x (four week ship time)
2 - SURF4
2 - SURF4x
3 - SURF2 
4 - SURF2x
1 - SURF2xx

6 - HOG3
3 - HOG3x
1 - HOG3xx
3 - HOG2
3 - HOG1.3
18 - HOG1
15 - HOG1x
7 - HOG.5

1 - DROP1.4
1 - DROP1.4x
6 - DROP1.2
3 - DROP1.2x
1 - DROP.6
6 - DROP.6x
0 - DROP.2 (temporarily unavailable)

10 - Fusion 700 air pumps

1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - black
0 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - white

85 - 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
0 -- 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
12 - 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
13 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
1 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)

Purchase at:

Selection chart:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Stock update from Santa Monica Filtration:

0 - RAIN2 with 4 lights
1 - RAIN2 with 2 lights
1 - RAIN2 with 1 light

0 - SURF8 (four week ship time)
0 - SURF8x (four week ship time)
2 - SURF4
1 - SURF4x
3 - SURF2 
4 - SURF2x
1 - SURF2xx

6 - HOG3
3 - HOG3x
1 - HOG3xx
3 - HOG2
1 - HOG1.3
14 - HOG1
14 - HOG1x
6 - HOG.5

2 - DROP1.4
1 - DROP1.4x
7 - DROP1.2
3 - DROP1.2x
4 - DROP.6
6 - DROP.6x
0 - DROP.2 (temporarily unavailable)

10 - Fusion 700 air pumps

1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - black
0 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - white

85 - 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
0 -- 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
12 - 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
13 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
1 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)

Purchase at:

Selection chart:

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Stock update from Santa Monica Filtration:

0 - RAIN2 with 4 lights
1 - RAIN2 with 2 lights
1 - RAIN2 with 1 light

0 - SURF8 (four week ship time)
0 - SURF8x (four week ship time)
2 - SURF4
1 - SURF4x
2 - SURF2 
4 - SURF2x
1 - SURF2xx

4 - HOG3
3 - HOG3x
1 - HOG3xx
3 - HOG2
2 - HOG1.3
13 - HOG1
10 - HOG1x
5 - HOG.5

2 - DROP1.4
2 - DROP1.4x
4 - DROP1.2
3 - DROP1.2x
3 - DROP.6
6 - DROP.6x
0 - DROP.2 (temporarily unavailable)

16 - Fusion 700 air pumps

0 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - black
0 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - white

22 - 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
0 -- 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
12 - 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
15 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
1 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)

Purchase at:

Selection chart:

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  • 2 weeks later...

1 - RAIN2 with 4 lights
1 - RAIN2 with 2 lights
1 - RAIN2 with 1 light

0 - SURF8 (four week ship time)
0 - SURF8x (four week ship time)
2 - SURF4
2 - SURF4x
2 - SURF2 
4 - SURF2x
1 - SURF2xx

4 - HOG3
3 - HOG3x
1 - HOG3xx
3 - HOG2
1 - HOG1.3
6 - HOG1
5 - HOG1x
5 - HOG.5

2 - DROP1.4
2 - DROP1.4x
2 - DROP1.2
3 - DROP1.2x
1 - DROP.6
6 - DROP.6x
0 - DROP.2 (temporarily unavailable)

15 - Fusion 700 air pumps

0 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - black
0 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - white

3 - 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
12 - 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
15 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
13 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)

Purchase at:

Selection chart:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Stock update:

2 - RAIN2 with 4 lights
1 - RAIN2 with 2 lights
0 - RAIN2 with 1 light

0 - SURF8 (four week ship time)
0 - SURF8x (four week ship time)
2 - SURF4
2 - SURF4x
2 - SURF2 
2 - SURF2x
1 - SURF2xx

4 - HOG3
3 - HOG3x
1 - HOG3xx
3 - HOG2
2 - HOG1.3
3 - HOG1
6 - HOG1x
3 - HOG.5

1 - DROP1.4
2 - DROP1.4x
4 - DROP1.2
4 - DROP1.2x
4 - DROP.6
4 - DROP.6x
0 - DROP.2 (temporarily unavailable)

10 - Fusion 700 air pumps

0 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - black
1 - GEM5 set of four grow lights - white

10 - 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 4x6 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
10 - 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
3 -- 5x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)
10 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (1 mm thick)
1 -- 7x7 Green Grabber Screen (2 mm thick)

Purchase at:

Selection chart:

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