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ISO yellow tang, red flame angel, coral beauty, and corals


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Hey ALL!


Been a LONG time since I was on here.  I used to frequent the forum if any of you remember me lol.  I've just parted ways with my little 15.5 gallon nano cube but I still have my 75 up and running!  The most recent compliment was from a non-fish friend who said "oh it's soooo pretty!  I love how all the grass flows in the current!" LOL.  Yes, I have been neglecting the tank and never added the proper clean up crew.  It's slowly getting under control and the fish are healthy and happy so it's only a matter of time.


So here's the scoop... I've been in school for nursing and it has literally consumed me.  I feel like I have a groove back and could possibly get this tank looking good again.  I have a clean up crew on it's way and have a lawnmower blenny that looks like a helium balloon he eats so much.  Here's what I'd like to start with...


Yellow tang

red flame angel

coral beauty


Mushroom corals







basically anything easy to frag and CHEAP. lol


I live in Coos Bay so shipping is a must.  I'll happily pay for shipping and it's almost always overnight from portland to here because everything comes straight from there to here.  Corals would be fine going standard, but fish I'd have to pay to have overnight guarantee or just wait to find a courier who is coming this way (I have several friends who live up there).

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So you're wanting to buy these things? I have a coral beauty I wouldn't mind selling. He's cool and super healthy and never touches coral, but I want a flame angel and you can't have both.



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What?! Not both?


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I've been looking into it and it is up in the air... but general consensus is it depends on aquascape, how much you feed, and when you introduce to the tank (together or separate). Plus each fish has its own personality so some will be bigger a**holes than others lol. I'd be willing to give it a try but my preference would be the flame angel also if it came down to it.

I'm glad you pointed this out though... I'll probably wait until I can purchase two juveniles at the same time.


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I have had a couple tanks with a flame and a coral beauty as tank mates but I would say that adding the flame first would most likely cause some issues. The flames tend to be more dominant and should be added at the same time or later than the less aggressives. Also both of these have a good chance of nipping at some corals so watch out for that. Once in a while you will get one that is a model citizen and then its all worth while.


As far as corals go send me a list of what your after and I will see if I can give you a hand.

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how do i edit my original post?


Well, in the meantime...


I will be waiting on the flame and CB angels.  I don't have corals established again yet so I don't need any new frags getting nipped at plus I've decided to wait and get a juvenile of each and add them at the same time to see what we can do about limiting the territory issues.  It'll be a shot in the dark and several months down the road, but just something I'll roll around in the ol' noggin for now but not act on.

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Aha! Thank you Vance164. I will be renewing next month probably.  I won't stress about it, lol.  I'm just a little ocd and every time I see the title I can't help but think, "nope, that's not right- I changed my mind" lol.  Oh well, the posts say what people need to know.  I'll post a new one for equipment I need... maybe in the buy/trade?

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