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Chiller recalibration aqua euro usa

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So if you chiller is new like mine. I have a aqua euro usa 1/4hp and came with the temperature off by several degrees.


How you calibrate this is you hold down the up arrow and down arrow at the same time for about 5 seconds. Then you will get a screen that says 00. At that time you can adjust the temperature up and down for what is needed to make it right. In my case i needed to go down three degrees. And just to make sure I have the temperature correct I use three different thermometers. And then after that all you have to do is push the set button and it will adjust your temperature for chiller to read your tank. That way you aren't freezing your aquarium or having to do the math so it turns the proper tempture.


And if you're not getting the right temperature and you had your Chiller for a while then you might be looking up cleaning it out flushing out according to the instructions but if you're sure it's clean inside and it's not running correctly I would definitely recommend recalibrating it. However Aqua Euro and their instructions does not tell you to recalibrate it or how to do it so I just wanted to give everybody a little piece of information so that you aren't stuck living with a chiller that says it's 79 degrees when it's really 74 or vice versa.


Also another thing on the chillers is if you have it set for 76 degrees the temperature has to go up to 79 degrees before it will turn on so if you're freaking out because it's not 76 degrees and it says it's 78 degrees and it's still not on it's because it needs to be at 79 for the chiller will take it down.


Also the compressor also has a delay so if it's not coming on it was on a minute ago and then it's not give it a couple minutes because it's got a delay so it saves the compressor.



Just some helpful hints for people. Because it took me alot of searching to figure out how to calibrate my chiller...and I hope to save others time.

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