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Trades at the Meeting :)


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Well it's looking like I'm going to be able to make it to the meeting! Fingers crossed nothing changes. On that note, there are a few different zoas I'm looking for. I've got lots of zoas to trade and a few different kinds off SPS and mushrooms. Shoot me a PM and we can work out a trade :)

I'm looking for....

Bam Bams

Goblins Fire


Purple death paly

Space monster

Fruit loops

Utter Chaos


Different Agaves



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Well folks after taking a few practice exams and talking with my teacher I am not as ready for my finals next week as I thought. Right now school comes first so I'm going to have to pass on this months meeting. Too bad it wasn't next weekend haha! I'll still be on the hunt for these zoas so if you ever have any for sale/trade, let me know and we can work something out!



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I will cut a couple of those regardless and they will be healed for our next encounter. Bam bams for sure and I will look into my uterchaos.

Awesome!! Thanks Robert! Maybe we can meet up over my winter break since I'm not too far from you haha :)



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