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Moving help


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Hi everybody, We are moving out of our RV and into a house in Keizer on the 19th of Dec (Saturday). I could the help of 1 person on moving day. We are going to leave most everything in the RV which we can park beside the new house. But, I will need help moving the 75g from the RV into the house. I also was hoping someone in the Salem area has a fairly large tub to put the liverock and corals in during the transition. I am planning on moving the corals, fish, and rock to the new house on the night of the 18th (Friday), and then drain the tank on Saturday and just set the tank on the floor of RV and transport it to the new place. I dont have much for frags as of yet, but I will have some cold beer in the fridge. Thanks in advance.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I still a little help on Friday night 12/18, for about an or so, I have decided to move the tank/ and livestock in my pickup, I have help loading it in Salem but need help on the other end which is in Keizer. Since I dont have any frags to offer, how about a case of beer? If you can help please PM soon, otherwise I may have to resort to craigslist. Thanks

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Yea, I got it handled. Its a shame I couldn't get a little help from a "reef" club to move a single tank from my truck to the house. This club used to be full of folks that would drop whaetever they were doing to help a fellow member of the club. Now the only way we can get a response from some of these people is to give them something for free, then they will jump up and drive any distance to get something for free.

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