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FS: 4 green BTAs


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I have 4 BTAs from the same original anemone that are just taking over my tank. I would love to get some gas money for my trip across the US in August so I'm asking $20 each for 3 about the same size and $15 for the smaller one, but offers will be considered. All are very healthy and growing, though they are fairly hungry in these pictures. I can also ship USPS Priority as I've had good experience with it locally (within 500 miles).









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How much for shipping? If enough people from Portland/Salem were to each get one could you drive them part way?


When you say "about the same size," How big does that mean? Fully open.


Doran- If I get one, and you wanted to "store" yours in my tank for a little while (a few months), it should be fine. As long as it behaves itself, does not wander around, and does not sting any of my coral. Since they are clones, they should be OK to be next to each other in the tank.



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OK, if there are 4 people that want one, and it costs $20 for shipping, then each person puts in $25 (the small one puts in $20), and they all get sent to a central location. Garrett is in Salem, Kuda is Portland, Doran is in Vancouver, and I am in Oregon City. I think either Kuda or I am most central (I can receive if Kuda does not want to). I have the time, who has the paypal to take care of the money? Either we can each pay irshprncsk, or one person can do it and everone else pay the one. I don't have paypal, so I can not handle the money end. Anyone else want to add anything?


I really want a rose BTA , but I can always sell the green later, or use it to trade up at a LFS.



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I don't think I'm heading up anytime soon, though the trip I'm raising $ for may end up having a stop in Portland (much more likely San Fransisco, Phoenix, or Denver) but if it does, I will try to bring them with. The larger ones are about 4-5" across when open and the smallest is about 3-4". This was one of the first things in my original tank and it just keeps splitting. It's been through some hellacious water quality issues and I even ripped it in half once and both halves survived. Yes, they are ok next to each other in the tank - most of them all hang out on the same rock. I definitely don't think shipping weight would be over 5# and I have little coolers for them.

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Oh, if someone wants to send a check that's ok, or Paypal. I'm not picky. If everyone wants to pay separately too that's ok.

Shipping for all 4 will be $7.00 for Priority 2 day or $30 Express Overnight to Portland or Salem. That's up to 5#s, and assuming they're all in the same bag. Like I said, I've had good luck with Priority, so you may want to save some $ there.

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irshprncsk- can you put up current pics of the anemones?


Doran, if you are willing to be the money man, I can be the one to receive them. Then everyone can come to my place in OC and pick up the goods, and bring the money then. I think that 'nems usually are shipped with minimal water (like only enough to cover the deflated animal). If all four are going to be put in one bag (I hope a large one), then I think they should be overnight, not priority. It will cost extra, but heck $27.50 for an anemone is still a good deal. Even if it is "only" a green one.


dsoz :)

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Hi gang. Sorry I have been out of the loop. We spent the whole evening replumbing the overflow box on the 90 gallon with a gate valve and emergency drain like we saw at izzypop's at the meeting. Fantastic noise reduction!


Anyway, I do not have paypal either but am fine sending a check or paying individually and with picking up at dsoz house...


(I would really like a rose too:)

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Then I guess if one of you can paypal for me (I'll pay you back when you pick up the 'nem), then we are good to go. Who would be able to paypal for me on this? This is your last chance to back out...


Everyone PM irshprncsk for paypal info, and I will PM giving my address. I hope this works out.



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Unfortunately I have an issue too. LOL. I just adopted a nice Green BTA from one of my friends tanks and cannot get this one. I would love to still get this one, but I doubt the two would get along and I am not sure I want two of them in the tank. Also I already have a Ridorai anemoni in there that likely would get a little pissy with 2 bta's. Sorry to cut out of the deal guys, but I really just don't need another one now. Should be as easy as pie to sell though. I know I wanted it because of its distinced pattern and color.


Well take care guys and enjoy those beauties.



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