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Tank cycle question


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On Monday I started up my new 40b with dry rock , live sand and added a raw shrimp Tuesday morning then added about 1 1/2 cap fulls of microbacter every day since. Yesterday I began to notice an odd aroma about the house and narrowed it down to the tank. I checked water params roughly 2 ppm nitrate phosphate undetectable both salifert tests. Just wondering if the foul smell is part of the cycle with the decaying shrimp or should I start doing a mass water change?



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Edited by rbeyer80
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You're 100% fine - it's the decaying shrimp you tossed in there. Take it now, it's done it's job.


Test your ammonia - you should notice that is higher before you get any real nitrites/nitrates. But you don't want to do any water changes during the cycle, it will just slow it down. Basically, just let it sit there so nature can take its course.

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IMO You should see ammonia rise, then nitrite rise, then ammonia and nitrite should drop to undetectable while nitrate will start to rise. once you see that happen then you can start doing water changes to lower nitrates and add a fish. I wouldn't use the microbactor any more as it can stop, lessen, or quicken some of this process which makes it harder to see what is going on, bacterial products are best used when you are upgrading or moving a tank and cant wait to add fish.

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