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Nem question?


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When it decides it needs light it will move to a brighter spot. They can/will travel until they are happy. I had a RBTA go behind a rock for over a month. It did eventually come out albeit a bit faded. Now its the biggest in the tank and hosts my clowns.

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When it decides it needs light it will move to a brighter spot. They can/will travel until they are happy. I had a RBTA go behind a rock for over a month. It did eventually come out albeit a bit faded. Now its the biggest in the tank and hosts my clowns.

Exactly! You don't find a place for a nem, you drop them in the tank and they will find the spot they want.

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its been in tank for a month and just started to move!



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yeah that sounds like a nem :) I used to have a couple LTA's I swore they were the worst! Its almost as if they just purposely liked walking around the rocks I put them next to and they would be fine forever then out of nowhere you would wake up and they were off somewhere else. lol Just keep an eye on how it looks when anemones get sick or not doing so hot from my experience it isn't to hard to notice.


Here's a pic of my worst nightmare of an LTA!!! A casual stroll around the rock on a weekly basis!




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yeah that sounds like a nem :) I used to have a couple LTA's I swore they were the worst! Its almost as if they just purposely liked walking around the rocks I put them next to and they would be fine forever then out of nowhere you would wake up and they were off somewhere else. lol Just keep an eye on how it looks when anemones get sick or not doing so hot from my experience it isn't to hard to notice.


Here's a pic of my worst nightmare of an LTA!!! A casual stroll around the rock on a weekly basis!







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I had a RBTA split recently and could not find the smaller one for about a week, well I did a water change and low and behold there it was in my filter sock! I have a BC 29 that's drilled & has a 10 gal sump & it went through the slats at the back of the tank past chamber #1 over to the middlle chamber & down to the filter sock where it was attached.

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