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Light stands or hangers or however you've done a DIY style lights hanger.


I was in need of a stand for my tank but it needed to be just so. I looked for a couple weeks, even going to all the good wills and such. Finally figured out if I want it done to my dimensions I best do it myself.


So this time I am not going to look around for weeks. I will just find the right material and cut and weld it myself if needed. I am hanging a larger unit. I just measured it and it's 37" long by 9" tall by 12" deep. Well large for my 40 gallon tank. The ballest will be out of the way so that's not a problem as the cords are 10' long.


I am thinking for the base some heavy stainless steel then as it starts coming into view some form of aluminum that looks good. The part that seems the hardest is making it easy to adjust.


Anyway any and all pictures are welcome as you never know what might inspire me. I would of never thought I could of built as nice of a stand ad it did but I was inspired by my wife telling me that I was not allowed to put anything ugly in the front room. So I was unable to find one to purchase and wallah inspiration. Thanks you guys.

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The emt works really well. I used it, and gave it 4 paints of coat. I actually bent the pipe in the aisle of Home Depot so I wouldn't have to return the bender:)

4 paints of coat??? Lol, maybe I should stay away from the paint fumes. Dear God where is that edit button:)

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