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I am a Coral Killer :-(


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Did I put it in too soon? My tank is 3 weeks new, I used live rock, live sand, RO Saltwater had an algae breakout within a week, feather dusters started popping that came in live rock all was very good, so I thought. Then I got cocky, went to Upscales and saw an LPS that I had to have with some Zoa on it. All seemed ok, so I thought  the first couple nights the LPS laid over but as soon as the light started it would stand tall again, then it started to shrivel up and the stalk is an 8th of what it was. I am sure it is a goner I messed up and put it in to soon is the only thing I can think of. Calcium is 420, Salinity is now .021 it was way low I think because the LFS  WWofPets said it was very high but I think they have an uncalibrated refroctometer. Everything else is right were it should be, no phosphates etc...


http://i.imgur.com/bZafnvZ.png  When I got them


http://i.imgur.com/IvBk6RZ.png Today from the live cam 



http://dropc.am/p/pQHMOz Live feed





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I don't even know what kind of coral that is.


If you are still struggling with salinity, I would slow down. At this point calcium is not as important as your salinity, your Alkalinity, nitrates, ammonia. And most importantly stability.


I've had corals thrive outside of normal parameters for a very long time, but since it was a stable environment they were okay. I'd be willing to bet you still have a lot of fluctuations going on.

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My advice is to slow down. It's really REALLY hard I know, but nothing good happens fast in this hobby. I've been around the track a few times, and I still find it hard to slow down... and every time I've rushed things I've killed livestock and regretted it. IME, a tank can cycle according to measured levels in about 3 weeks, but something else is going on until ~6 weeks. Keep up on maintenance, tinker with your aquascape until you think it is perfect (that way you aren't messing with it and disrupting livestock later), and wait a few more weeks. Just MHO.

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ok, all great ideas!! Are my lights to bright I did put in some Hydra 26 light into the stock canopy but have them set really low. Yes it is pulsing Xenia and it was pretty before I killed it :-( 


1. Slow down flow

2. Lower lights


should I mess with salinity ? That is I think what got me in this mess I was fine and Wet World told me I was way to high, I panicked and did a half water change which took it down so low according to the hydrometer then I panicked and changed it back and bought a refractometer and I am confident I am .021 to .023 

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.021 is store level for fish so they stay healthier.. Corals like to thrive more in the middle and fish will do just fine.


If your lights are on lower settings tomaclimate the corals that's fine..


Xenia will bounce back usually unless it was in a heavy dip for a while.

If you need more I've got a few stalks

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Your salinety should be 1.024-1.025. And if your flow is high at that spot move them somewhere else. And don't sweet it I got a foot ball size rock covered in that I will give you if it dies and once you get the tank settled in and nice and stable

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I think what everyone telling you here is great advice. The only way to really know on light is by either testing your par levels or the best IMO : move your corals around low light high light. In between light and same with flow. Watch how they respond. If your parameters are good then just adjust position in tank and let them thrive! Good luck and stick with it. Lots of people here to help you along the way

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For lighting, I'd start very low and gradually increase. Corals aren't gonna feel too bad about lower light than they want (stormy days on the reef drop light all the time), but they sure will get stressed by too much. If you have deep pockets, a PAR meter can provide numbers...

Edited by andy
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Lower the vortech to the second light. 50% on a biocube is too high. If you want to shoot me a text to 972-832-4083 I can swing by sometime next week and measure the salt with a refractometer and bring some with me to pour in if needed and show you the best placement for your vortech. General help with some newbie stuff.

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ok I think we are just to the waiting game part,


#1 Salinity is at the 0.025 mark dead one, I calibrated the refractometer with pure life water at the same temp

#2 Vortech pump is at reef crest on the 2nd light, placed currently as low to sand bed without disturbing sand to much and able to hit opposite wall, I see good movement all the way around

#3 Temp is at 78.5 and swings one degree up or down which looks to be ideal from what I have read

#4 Lighting Settings Here and Here I REALLY have no idea about this and do not have access to a PAR meter, I believe I am erring on the side of caution with as low as I am. Having a VERY hard time finding anyone with a Hydra 26 in this tank setup and their settings.

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sounds good to me, for lighting you can tell by how your corals react


If they're low smooshed up to the rock then its really high
If they reach up like trumpets playing to the light then you maybe to low


but if its in the middle then your just fine.. some corals can use very little light and flow to survive, while some sps needs high light to thrive

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I think the club has a free par meter available but if for some reason its not available, just letting you know we rent one out for $10 a day with refundable deposit and aren't too far from you in Wilsonville and I know as of yesterday it was available.



Critter Cabana

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