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WTB BRS dosing mixs need soon!


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If you're interested in getting everything cheaper you can purchase Prestone Driveway heat for calcium, baked baking soda for alkilinity, and a mixture of magnesium sulfate and magnesium chloride for your mag needs.  You could get all you dosing needs fulfilled for way cheaper this way.


Check this link:


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Here's the calculator if you need it...




I can't make it any easier for you lol.

I'm confused on witch one to use? I have a doser and usually make a gallon worth of Alk how much baking soda do I need? And is that all I need is baking soda?



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If you're interested in getting everything cheaper you can purchase Prestone Driveway heat for calcium, baked baking soda for alkilinity, and a mixture of magnesium sulfate and magnesium chloride for your mag needs. You could get all you dosing needs fulfilled for way cheaper this way.


Check this link:


Here is the link I posted earlier that has the concentrations and amounts. It also discusses what exactly it is you use (BAKED baking soda).
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Recipe #1, Part 2: The Alkalinity Part

Spread baking soda (594 grams or about 2 ¼ cups) on a baking tray and heat in an ordinary oven at 300°F for one hour to drive off water and carbon dioxide. Overheating is not a problem, either with higher temperatures or longer times. Dissolve the residual solid in enough water to make 1 gallon total. This dissolution may require a fair amount of mixing. Warming it speeds dissolution. This solution will contain about 1,900 meq/L of alkalinity (5,300 dKH). I prefer to use baked baking soda rather than washing soda in this recipe as baking soda from a grocery store is always food grade, while washing soda may not have the same purity requirements. Arm & Hammer brand is a fine choice. Be sure to NOT use baking powder. Baking powder is a different material that often has phosphate as a main ingredient.

Once these two solutions are created, they can be added as frequently as necessary to maintain calcium and alkalinity. For further dosing instructions, see below.

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Well it's called 2 part because you have one for alk and one for calcium... I'm with higher in this one.


Did you even read anything we've posted for you???


There's multipule recipes because they all work a little differently. But 99% of people will use the one I posted above.

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You have to dose calcium and alkalinity seperately. If you mix them before they go in your tank it will not work. You also have to dose them in balance with each other as that is how the tank will use them.


Your getting some good advice in the 2 part recipes here. If it's to much to do Brightwell makes a great 2 part solution. Cost ya about $40 for both bottles.



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Where are people buying calcium chloride?...I think I want to make my own 2 part batches when my BRS stuff is used up

I used this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/10-Pounds-Magflake-Magnesium-chloride-hexahydrate-Mag-Flakes-FREE-SHIPPING-/261676766133?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3ced2693b5


Although when I bought ten pounds it was only $19.99.  The seller makes some mention about why there is a price increase in the description of the listing, but the huge price jump is pretty lame either way.

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I have a doser that is scheduled to add 8 times a day and I'm just wondering if it is going to mess up my levels with my cal and Alk because I dose all three right now with my bubble magus dosing pump



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I have my ca and alk on two of the pumps of my dp-4 but I manually dose the mag when my ca and alk are used.  They are in the 1 gal mixing jugs.

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