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water parms part 3


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after about 2-3 weeks water values



phos 0 slightly above but not to the next level

nit 0

ph 8.1 night 8.2 day

ammonia 0

calcium 420 new hanna checker

km alk 12.7 new hana checker 228 ppm

mag 1420


effulent ph 6.6 rate 10 drops per minute +- 2 drops

Co2 10 bubbles per min +- 2 bubbles


this is after 2 1/2 almost 3 weeks with calcuim reactor setup


lost 3 small frags adjusting alk spiked to 17 dkh

mag to 1480

and cal to 580

and small snow storm


Did water changes every 2-3 days 10% with red Sea coral mix for 1st 2 weeks, no water change for last 7 days, due for one tomorrow.


any suggestions?


think alk is a little high but overall happy.


think with water change alk will come closer to where I want it about 9.5 t0 10




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So your effluent rate is 10 drops per min? Your co2 flow is 10 bubbles per min?


I would suggest not to do any more large water changes and allow your alk levels to fall on there own. If your alk starts to spike again just turn off the reactor and wait for it to fall. You may be stressing your tank more with such large frequent water changes.

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I'm sure its out there somewhere but depending on your tank size and bioload, I would not do a single water change until you keep getting consistent readings of KH, it should not take more than a few days.


IMO I would really try and stay away from turning the reactor off altogether, it'll just put you back in the same boat all over from the beginning, except you'll know the current settings are to high this time around- My opinion


I'ld also check you mix up water to see what the KH is there if you have not already so you can see what its doing to the tank if you are not adjusting it to match your tanks current levels.


As far as 12.7 KH IME I would not sweat it, it'll come down on its own.


Test your water, let things sit undisturbed for 24 hours test again, and see where things are, if its heading down leave it, if its heading up, I would make a slight adjustment to bubbles or effluent- me I would increase the effluent rate again slightly.

Let it sit 24 hours test again and all the while not doing any other water changes.


you got to see what your make up water's KH is.


thats my opinion/suggestion

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Have been trying to get the alk / dkh stable around 10 before adjusting cal. but yes I can raise the calcuim level only by dosing just calcuim. the mag level is high enough the it won't precipitate out.


I'm curious to see what others say about the alk reading. Seems high to me. If you wanted to push your calcium higher' date=' could you do that without raising your alkalinity further?[/quote']
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@ reefnjunkie


thanks sounds good will give it a try and see what happens. I know the corals are using cal because the ca has gone down. the alk is driving me nuts had it spike to 17 has to resist the urge to do a massive water change.. have just let it come down naturaly trying to get it stable at 10 +- .5 then will dose ca to bring it to 440-460 mag has been fine thur out.. I'll hold off on the water change for 3 days and check dkh daily (and phos just in case) and see what it (dkh) does and post results, thanks

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@ kriz2fer both the drip rate and bubble count are set at 10 per min. (took for ever to get them stable at that rate) think I'm in the end game with setting this thing up (calcium reactor). corals are loving it a lot of the are showing better color and better PE with new ato keeping the water level (and SG) constant and the reactoer keeping the ca way more stable. glad I switched but getting it dialed has been a pain in the $%^$% LOL. thanks for the input.

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