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Bumble bee snails


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Ya that's what I'm reading but I also hear from other people that their 100% reef safe lol then i hear too keep an eye on em starting noticing polyps missing and last night had to pry him off one .. Good thing I have other tanks seems like I'm banishing one every other week ... I heard that they eat worms is why I got a few never seen that .

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Hermits have never been a issue with me well at least so far had quite a few even the larger electric blue hermits the Sally light foots emeralds are a different story I watched it snip polyps of my favorite little zoas and they were gone I even did all the reading got a small one and all that but ya never trust a crab that's for sure . I guess all the scavengers need to be watched I had a peppermint shrimp do the same thing . Now I make sure the shrimps I have are fat and I have never had another issue with them .

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shrimps always stole food out my corals and nems whenever they were fed, always bothered me needless to say theyre gone now. personally ill just stick to my assortments of snails, bumblebees arent one ive tried just from reading even if they got some colorfull shell for a snail

and on side note sally light foots creep me out too, and decorator crabs theyre like giant sea spiders ha.

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I used to but the ocean is diverse so I figure why shouldn't my tank be plus the only thing that bugs me is the worms but in all honesty they eat every little speck of food the the fish or coral doesn't get one thing I can say is I have never had a phosphate issue from over feeding lol I have my reef keepers stand by set to 30 mins just so that when it kicks back on there's nothing flowing down the drain to rot But they creep me out so I'd like to get a handle on it before its a worm farm . I guess I always looked at it like why kill the good stuff that's the only hitch hiker I have had so far so maybe I'm lucky

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I usually have spiders and fighting in. I have tigers in right now but am out of the spider and fighting at the moment. I have 4 types of nassarius snails, ceriths, astreas, ninja star astreas, white banded trochus, red banded trochus, margarita, zebra turbos, Mexican turbos, Hawaiian nerites, polished nerites, and bumblebee snails. Probably a few more. Or hermits I have Mexican red legs, Indian Ocean scarlets, Hawaiian zebra, dwarf blue legs, electric blue legs, a couple of halloweens, red and orange stripe cone shell, blue eye, and several other misc. hermits. I also have Mexican and Atlantic sand sifting cucumbers, tiger tail cucumbers, sand sifting stars, brittle and servant stars, blue linkia stars and mottled linkia stars. I have emerald crabs, Sally light foot crabs, porcelain crabs, anemone crabs, two kinds of fiddler crabs, and probably a couple other varieties. I have Halloween urchins, pencil urchins(not reef safe), Hawaiian short spine, Hawaiian green banded, pincushion and royal pincushion urchins. I have 2 or 3 sizes of skunk cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp, gold coral banded, coral banded, and purple coral banded shrimp, anemone shrimp, pistol shrimp and goby combos, sexy shrimp, harlequin shrimp, etc. There are probably a bunch of other critters that I can't think of off the top of my head as well.

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