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RBTA help


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Ok so I posted about my RBTA splitting. Well I'm concerned about the mother nem. The baby is doing great, but the mother is on the bottom of the tank, and in between a rock, and the back of the tank. It's not getting much light there. So I came home last night, and as I was watching it. It looked a chopped down tree hitting the ground. And the foot is not looking to good. Where the nem split down by the foot is really mis-shaped, and by the tenticles is not healed up yet. I know have some what higher Phosphate, which I've already started shortening my length of time my lights are on, and started my water changes, changed my chemipure, I have to nano skimmers. Ones a biocube airstone skimmer, and the other is a nano euro skimmer. I change my open cell sponge out everyweek. I do kinda feed a bit but I've not feed so much lately, once I noticed some small algea forming. Any advice,


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Water changes are a good idea to get the water quality up, other than that, do whatever you can to make sure that it is not getting stressed. If it is hiding from the light there is a reason for it. Could be to much or to close for him? As long as he is not bleaching I would not worry to much about him not getting the light, he will move into if he needs it. How long ago did he split? Also, check your basic stuff, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, Ph. Make sure nothing else is going on. If you can get a picture that could help as well.

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They split two weeks ago. And I can't get a pic of it foot cause of its placement. But this is what I have

32891112-e462-14f4.jpgduring split


32891112-e47e-f17a.jpgevening after split


32891112-e4a5-6d90.jpgbaby nem today


32891112-e4be-8099.jpgmother nem today



Both of them next to each other

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What's the problem? They both look fantastic. Don't sweat it. In the wild, you are not there to fuss and worry about it and they manage to survive just fine. Mine have spit about 30 times and they all do just fine. In fact, your "mother" probably came from one of mine at some point in the past. It'll be just fine, don't worry.

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Well it lost its suction on the wall, And when I say the foot. It looked bubblie, and wasn't healed yet, the mouth is still on the side. And where it split still hasn't healed. The babies mouth is centred again. And completely healed. And I've been told that when it loses footing it means its sick.


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The bottom two pics do not look like a sick or otherwise unhealthy nem. RBTA'S do not attach themselves to the wall of a tank. They find a hole or a crevise in a rock and anchor the foot in there. When they do not attach to a rock and float around the tank, then you have something to worry about. Right now, I have about 12 in my tank, and have removed at least 12 more, all from one original split about three and a half years ago. They all look like yours for a while after they split. I know it's distressing the first time it happens but as long as it looks anything like what we see in the pic, do not worry about it, just leave it alone and don't mess with it, you will likely do more harm than good if you do.

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The truth is these guys are hard to kill. I have seen them go through a pump and end up cut into a hundred pieces and still the larger pieces will live!!! After they are established in a system they thrive. The only time I worry about mine is when they get too close to other corals; and it's not the nem I'm worried for. LOL. :)

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Gill- yeah I'm thinking your right bud. I'll relax. It is my first nem, and I only had it for like 3 weeks before it split. It was literately opened to its max, tenticles elongated, and straight up. I think I need to get a mh de with deeper water penetration I lifted the hood of my jbj, so the light is seriously being distorted. But I'll calm down.

Stealhead- dude my nem is attached to the wall.



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