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The Premium Aquarium ROCKS!!

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I made the long drive down to Salem today to pick up a little something







This should be enough light to keep anything. I still have to save up for the bulbs but I am so excited about this light! I called about getting a used unit from him a while back and he got me hooked up with this brand new beauty for such a great price I'm probably not alowed to say. Garret thank you so much :)


I have been sneeky and plan on copying a bulb combo from a friend, they have great color in thier tank


4 ATI Blue Plus

2 ATI Aquablue Special

2 ATI Purple Plus


I also picked up a new little friend




I'll get a better picture when I turn the lights back on. My wrasses are brats so lights go off for new fish.

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Wow love the mandarin and that is a sweet light. Cant wait to see that bad boy over your tank. Mandarins are my all time favorite fish Grats (rock2)


Thank you, the mandarins are one of the fish that pushed me in to the world of saltwater. My tank is almost a year old now so I hope its ready. It is a nice large male too, sooooo pretty.

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I would add 1 more blue plus and still use the 2 purple bulbs. Also look into coral plus as It is the new bulb that a lot of people are raving about, maybe you could switch the aqua blue for a coral plus. If you have ever seen madmike tank that is I think the combo he is running but not sure. I'm running 6 blue plus, 1 coral plus and 1 purple plus. I love t5 now and will probably never use mh again.

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Cebu is being a brat and won't come out for a photo tonight (I named the mandarin after the island he came from). He found a nice unclaimed cave by the overflow and seems happy in there. I'll try for a good picture when he gets more comfortable.


Feeding time went well I think. He showed some interest in the cyclopeeze but I didn't see him take any. But for the first time I am taking this as a good sign.


Feeding night is getting complicated. Heaven help anyone who ever tank sits for me DOH!


Bowl 1 - Baby brine with spirulina, Mysis shrimp, oyster feast

Bowl 2- Mysis (freshwater tank)

Bowl 3- Cyclopeeze for Cebu, You were right Garret a little goes a long way :)


Plus ever morning the 125 gets a half sheet of sea algea, shrimp pellets, and spirulina pellets.


Wow I miss the days of a few flakes when I remember it.



For the light switch I plan on running the light for a hour or two for a few days and then slowly adding more time to the cycle. Does this sound like the right way to do it? don't want to fry my zoa and paly collection. Its actually starting to get pretty nice :)

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