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freshwater stuff


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closing out all my freshwater tanks, am assuming it's unlikely anyone on this forum is interested but thought I would post.


I have a typically scratched (but not too bad off) 50 acrylic with a mix of black ecocomplete and amano substrate, couple plants, cheap lousy 2 bulb T5 light and another for parts that is missing a bulb clip but otherwise works, pecan colored wood stand, 20L glass below with 2 strips of t5 over it and some plants and guppies, this whole deal 100 bucks includes fish but you have to take all-will not part out. Animals in the 50 include a clown loach, pair of roseline sharks, 4 green neons, one lambchop rasbora, endler hybrid guppies, trio of ancistrus (they are hard on the plants) and a couple cories and ottos, the 20L has big tail guppies, ottos, and shrimp.


10 gallon with guppies and sponge filter free to good home. Gups are nicely shaped black with iridescent blue.


5 gallon with killifish: 2 male and 3 female Fp Spoorenbergi, some plants, glass lid and mops, sponge filter, no light. 10 bucks.


5 gallon with pair of Aphyosemion elberti Mbet BLLMC 05-8 and a couple plants, mops, glass lid... 40 bucks


10 with a pair of rams, some plants and wood, sponge filter, heater, probably can dig up a lid, have light but the bulb is bad 20 bucks


I have a bin I will fill with freshwater stuff: sponge filters, HOB filters, airline valves, heaters, a sweetwater blower capable of running a fishroom, airline, etc for 100 bucks, basically it will have every freshwater thing I own in it that is not currently in use. The blower alone is spendy and well worth 100.


Any interest at all? Also have a few tanks that are dry but dirty. Doing a massive downsizing.

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