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I'm sorry but this makes me sad.


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I have no problem with hunting or fishing as long as you eat the catch and its not an endanger animal. But this makes me very :mad: LINK


Notice at the end "They burried the carcass " they caught this amazing creature and just so they could say HEY LOOK what I have, they didn't even eat it... VERY SAD...



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We're just too into the idea that as the dominant species on this planet, we need to re-prove ourselves on a personal level.


Then again, I am into fishing too... but I do the catch and release thing... 'cause freshwater fish don't taste too good.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, back home I've always been taught to keep only enough for you to eat. Whatever is not edible/don't want to eat just throw it back in the ocean (not literally). And once you have enough for a meal, stop fishing and go home to eat. I would just take home the fish I caught and eat it that night. It sure does taste the best when you eat it the day that you catch it. That is what I'm going to teach my kids. They could at least use all of the parts of the shark for something. Like you could use the skin, teeth, use the meat to feed the homeless(beggars can't be choosers), ect... There is an endless amount of things to be used on a shark. You need to effieciently use the things you are catch. We here (including me) fall victim to that I'm sure, unless you have a back yard full of junk just waiting to be used for something.

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  • 5 weeks later...

IM a avid hunter and fisherman and theres no place for this type of fishing i like the quote of this dum [language filter] that the "other guys do it so why is everyone mad at me,its just because im in the spot light" if this is true florida better step in and do somthin before these f@#$#$ remove a chain in the oceans link(flame)

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  • 2 weeks later...

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