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Chaeto losing the green


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I have a clump of chaeto that I am trying to grow in my sump and it doesn't look like it is doing very well. Many of the strands have gone clear or white. I assume that this caused by the zooanthellae abandoning the algae, but I don't know why they would be doing this, or how to make it better.


I am running a small compact fluorescent fuge lamp about 10 inches directly above the algae. Is it possible that there is too much light?

I also top off the tank manually by pouring cup fulls of room temp water into the sump, directly onto the algae. Could that temp change be a problem?

I was also adding my two part calcium/alkalinity solution to the sump, right where the algae was. I thought that that might be a problem, so I have been doing that elsewhere. Might that have been an issue?



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10" is not that close at all.

How much flow is going over it? More flow = more nutrients.

How often do you rotate the ball? They like to be spun a bit from time to time so that all areas get some consistent light.

What is the light cycle? It needs at least 12 hours to do well.

I have heard that chaeto can go sexual (though far less often than caulerpa). I have also heard that it does not do that at all. With that said, a 24/7 light cycle typically prevents that.


I suggest you trim off the white parts. They are probably dead.

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Well I don't know what the flow it. I have two 1" returns in my 90 gallon tank and they are handling all that they can. This water passes over the chaeto on its way across the sump.

I have never rotated the ball though. Maybe I should try that.

I have been providing nearly 12 hours of light per day since I got the chaeto, but I may just leave the light on for a while and see how that goes.


So once the chaeto goes white, it doesn't heal from that? It is better to trim that stuff and start over?



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