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Pulsing xenia looks horrible


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I recently got some Kent marine essential elements and dosed my tank with it. Since then my xenia have shrunk up and went from pink to purple... No pulsing either. I thought they would recover but they are still the same. And thoughts?


Can't take a pic right now but here's an example. Except mine are even worse... http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/0899a44360.jpg

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Xenia can be really weird. I've read many accounts of it spontaneously melting away to nothing despite no measurable changes in tank chemistry. Some people can't grow it at all and for others, it's a weed.


It sounds like your xenia doesn't like something in the additive, or the additive is causing some sort of other change in the tank.


What are your parameters looking like?

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My xenia seems to be extremely hearty and active. I know they soak up nitrates (hence why they smell so bad), and I've heard that they don't do well in super clean water. I'm sure they vary with the different varieties. Mine is growing so fast that I have to frag it every month or two to keep it small enough for my tank.

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i have a few diffrent types of xenia. some do much better than others. i notice some types may take less light than others? i have one thats doing very very good growing like crazy. try moving maby more/less water flow or light?



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I finally gave up on xenia in my old tank. I think I went through 2-3 frags of the super active xenia they had at Upscales and they all melted away. I had many other corals that were all fine and growing. I haven't tried again since.

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