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Parasitic twin on Fungia?


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So I have this Fungia, its Green and when I bought it it had some purple marks on it, I chaulked it up as it being a Birthmark so to speak, but upon looking closely, it almost appears to have a second mouth, and what looks like a purple Fungia wanting to come out of the green main fungia, I have never seen anything like this and was curious if Fungia clone themselves or split like mushrooms do? You would think if it was cloning itself or "splitting" the new one would be the same color right?


I was also curious about the color, I have three different colors now, and I was curious if they dye Fungia? Or are these intense colors natural? I always thought it was natural, but was curious what others thought...


Anyway, here are some pics, let me know what you think, does it look like a purple twin trying to emerge from the main green Fungia? Its at the top of the pic, the little purple patches..




More close up of what looks like a mouth starting to emerge..



Crappy top view...it almost looks like a purple fungia is trying to emerge doesn't it...lol



And just for poops and tee hee's, here are some random Fungia shots...




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