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GFO effecting Birdsnests?


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So my system has been setup for about a year and half, Things seemed very stable, the system seemed to run a little rich (nutrient) cause I like to target feed many of the LPS, I use RODI (BRS unit) and Kent Reef Salt, all parameters seem to stay in check, other than slightly elevated Nitrates and Phosphates, I even bring samples down and have LFS double check my readings, and they confirm everything I already knew, but I felt better having them double check it, its worth the few bucks to me to have it double checked. I have a Mixed Reef, All kinds of Milli's, Birdsnests, Acros, LPS of all kinds, and a few softies, Clam, ect..ect..its very diverse.


Everything has been growing and doing VERY well, but felt the urge to ad a Phosphate Reactor to the system, to help bring the Phosphates down, So I installed one and got it running, and things seemed to be just fine for the first week or so, then yesterday I noticed that some of the birdsnests where experiencing RTN on the branches, not from the base up, but like whole arms of some of the colonies where bare white...I havn't done anything different other than ad the Phosban reactor to the system, Can dropping slightly elevated Phosphates cause RTN in SPS?


So far it has only effected 2 types of Birdsnests, I have about 8 different kinds of birdsnest and have had them quite a while with lots of new growth, So I am perplexed as to why I am seeing this RTN? I fragged one colony which I have had for over a year but noticed slight more RTN this morning. Again this is so far only effecting a couple of Birdsnests, but could I be lowering my Phosphates to much? or to fast?


Things had been growing and doing great even with slightly elevated Nitrates and Phosphates, makes me wonder if I should have even bothered trying to reduce the Phosphates with a reactor...I never thought adding a Reactor and reducing Phosphates would/could be a bad thing...I thought corals hated Phosphates?


I am tempted to take the reactor off the system, as this is the ONLY thing I have changed to the system in the last year, other than temporarly housing someones corals, but I tested the water before/during/after they where relocated and everything was the same. I know ALK swings can cause RTN in sps, I have delt with that before long ago when I changed salt brands, but it was more wide spread and effected all SPS I had, Monti Caps, Millis, birdsnest, ect.. So far everything else seems fine except the two birdsnests so far.


That saying keeps popping into my head, "if it aint broke, don't fix it"....I am thinking I should have just left the system the way it was, it was doing so well for so long, I can't imagine having lower or no phosphates would negatively effect corals....can it?


Anyone have any ideas? The only other thing I can think of is for some reason I am having an ALK swing of some kind, but why now? Can reducing Phosphates change ALK? (scratch)


I check all the time for pests as well, and I can't ever see any, so..?

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Yes. A lot of GFO can cause a lowering of Alk. What is your alk level now?


Wow...good to know, Learn something new everyday!...That is a good question, I will be checking it again tonight...checked it about 5 days ago and it was at 10...


So if it has suddenly dropped, the best thing to do is take the reactor off and do a water change right? to help bring it back up or stablize it? I never knew GFO could change ALK...dang(scary)

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I wouldnt take it offline. Maybe take some out. I find it is more of an issue the first time it is used in a system. A few products have a warning on the back about sps and acros. It is usually just a dip in alk, it usually catches back up, maybe dose a little alk. Although i will never say dont do a water change. That cant ever hurt


Your alk has probably dropped a little. Maybe to 6 or so. It may already be on its way back up (depending on system load and dosing etc) but another thing is that a low alk will cause more of a pH swing. Birdsnests hate both swings, alk and pH. Just test and stabilize.

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I had this same problem!! Last month, I bought some GFO from bulkreefsupply for the first time. I was getting a tiny bit of algae to I thought the GFO might help. I thought I had properly read about it and how to use it. In a day or two, my entire birdnest had RTN on the entire thing! My dkh was also down to 7! It took some figuring, reading and researching, but I finally discovered that I should have used only half of the recommended amount to start with, then slowly increased the amount of GFO. Apparently, it cleaned my water way too fast. I would have considered my BN to be pretty hearty, I have far more sensitive SPS in the tank. I almost lost the stylo too, but that bounced back.


Live and learn I guess, well, my birdsnest could not say the same thing. DOH!

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I had this same problem!! Last month' date=' I bought some GFO from bulkreefsupply for the first time. I was getting a tiny bit of algae to I thought the GFO might help. I thought I had properly read about it and how to use it. In a day or two, my entire birdnest had RTN on the entire thing! My dkh was also down to 7! [b']It took some figuring, reading and researching, but I finally discovered that I should have used only half of the recommended amount to start with, then slowly increased the amount of GFO[/b]. Apparently, it cleaned my water way too fast. I would have considered my BN to be pretty hearty, I have far more sensitive SPS in the tank. I almost lost the stylo too, but that bounced back.


Live and learn I guess, well, my birdsnest could not say the same thing. DOH!


WOW...Thanks for the reply...I think this is what I did wrong as well, I used too much in the reactor...thats a bummer, I never thought it would cause this much disruption to the chemistry of the water...I will be reducing the amount of GFO I have in the reactor, and doing a partial water change...hopefully that helps stablize things again, shows how ignorant I was, Never really gave much thought to the possible negative effects of using GFO...Dang, that sucks...Just when I think I might know something about keeping a Reef Tank, I get knocked on my butt and reality checked that I don't know as much as I thought...Bummer..Luckily it hasn't affected my favorite and most prized birdsnest yet...God I hope nothing else takes a turn...


Roomate came into the living room this morning as I was "Talking" to my corals, appologizing to them, saying "Sorry guys, I was just trying to make it better for you"...he looked at me like I was crazy...LOL

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Roomate came into the living room this morning as I was "Talking" to my corals, appologizing to them, saying "Sorry guys, I was just trying to make it better for you"...he looked at me like I was crazy...LOL


We are all a little crazy, and my hubby insists on telling me nothing in the tank can here me, whenever he catches me talking to the tank. Sound travels through water so it's not that crazy.

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I tend to take it personal when its coral that I have grown myself and have done really well with, and to see it die before my very eyes is HORRIBLE! especially becuase its something I did that cuased it...I am always yelling at my tank for one reason or another, Urchin won't leave frags alone, Percs trying to steal food from LPS...those sons of motherless goats.. I am always pissed off at my clownfish....Its a love/hate relationship thats for sure...

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I wouldn't say it lowers your alk. If you took some gfo and put it in a bucket of saltwater would the alk in the bucket lower? No there have been experiments about that. The thing you might be seeing is that when you po4 and nitrates start to lower the corals can consume the alk more then with elevated levels of nutrients.

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