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frag party or par tee

Mr S

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The frag par-tay... outstanding! Well worth the drive from Creswell to Albany! Absolutely incredible specimens! I'm not a big colored stick fan, but DANG! We had some b-e-a-utiful colonies to split amongst ourselves! Not to mention I had a great time with those who showed up for "Frag Fest I".


Now, onto some pics!


Here's our gracious hostess... er, host... Roger! He insisted that no one was allowed to get sneak peaks at the colonies until it was time for the par-tay to get rollin'. It's a wonder he still has all of his limbs as eager as we all were to see the pretties!




This is right about when my jaw hit the floor:




Close up of the Xmas Tree Worms! We also had a couple of acro crab hitch-hikers as well.




Let the festivities begin!




Jay was being a typical manager for Nyles and Suzie!




Jay getting to work... finally! laugh




Suzie, Dan, Greg, Roger (hamming it up for the camera!), Miles and Nyles' backside getting busy on the corals.




Dan assisting with the hammer while Roger oh-so trustingly held the chisel. Notice that Roger had the foresight not to ask me to wield the hammer! (plotting) Nyles is making magic happen via a dremmel.




Roger devised a very technical plan for dividing the frags fairly amongst everyone. Let fate decide and pick a chip! Greg rolls the dice!




Bob! You're number one! The fates shined down upon Bob as he was the first to pick his frag. And what a frag it was!




Here's Miles checking out Roger's display tank:




Closer shot of the display:




A sampling of one of the two frag tanks in the classroom. Roger also has another tank loaded with various macro algaes and mangroves.




And where the magic happens... the equipment we all know and love! Okay, I don't love the equipment aspect of the hobby, but it does simplify things somewhat. Wait, simplify isn't the right word here. This hobby isn't simple! laugh




It was a fantastic day for sure! And to end it on a high note, we went out to dinner, as well as dessert, with Ryan (R2R2) and his lovely wife Sandy. Good friends, good times! Can a day possibly be any more perfect?



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It looks like everyone had a great time. I hope to get in on the next frag party!


Stacy; your post directly above this is one is one of the best posts I have seen in quite some time. What a great mix of pictures and content!


Great job everyone



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You asked for it. Keep in mind that these pics are under a 6500K Compact Flourescent bulb. The 10000K XM goes in tonight for the frag area of my fuge.


My frags:
















Miles' Frags:








It was a great day. We really need to to do this again.



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Stacy; your post directly above this is one is one of the best posts I have seen in quite some time. What a great mix of pictures and content!

Thanks, Neil! What a wonderful compliment! You made me feel all warm and fuzzy!



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So whats it gunna take to get Mr.S to open the doors and do this again? LOL... I had a good time and always a pleasure to meet more people in the hobby, thanks to those who showed and look forward to meeting everyone again soon. If this keeps up I may need a calcium reactor sooner than I thought.

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