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frag party or par tee

Mr S

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Here is the group for the par tee.



Mr. S








Most of you have paid. Thanks in advance. If you are not going to make it let me know asap. Order coming in. It should be a great time. Bring clippers, glue, rubble or rock that you want to attach frags to, a cooler, and baggies or water containers. Do we want to do a pot luck???? Post on this thread if you are interested.

Also if you have anything you want to let people frag up bring it along. Remember it is important to suck up to me so that I will do this again!!!!!!! LETS PAR TEEEE

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Sounds good, I will run by my LFS and get baggies, I think I got everything else I need. Think I can get away with using electrical dikes for fragging? I would think it would be fine... ya ya I know.....

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Okay guys dont let Roger get a big head. LOL


Okay down to business.


Miles is gonna do his DIY SEIO MJ Mod. He will be doing a demo but there will also be a chance for people to make one there. What everyone needs is a MJ and some parts. Lets make a list out of the 10 people that would like to make one. Of course everyone can watch. Later Ryan

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a pot luck sounds good to me...ill bring some drinks(pop i guess, cant bring any of this(drinking) ) and maybe some hot wings? i would like to do the diy project...just wonder if possible to find the props soon enough. are we gonna bar-b-q?(hungry)



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I won't be participating in the DIY demo, but I will be watching. I think it would be a good solution for flow in my future frag tanks.


Pot luck sounds good. We'll be bringing some food. Maybe I can get Stacy to make some cookies. (hungry) (drooler)

She makes the best cookies.



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No place for a BBQ or the liquid drink you hinted at!!!!! Remember it is a school. I personally have never turned down cold chicken. (actually any food for that matter) Let me know what others are bringing. Let'

s get fired up

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I'll bring a couple extra props that i have. They won't move the same amount of water because they are smaller, but you can always change the prop later.


I'm going to pickup some grey PVC tonight and make a dozen shrouds or so. I also have the carbon fiber rod. So all we need is ppl to bring their MJs and some extra superglue if you have it!!

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OK, please forgive me for asking a stupid question, but what are MJ's. I want to build, so what do I need to bring to do so? For the potluck, I was thinking of bringing some lasagna or cheese filled shells with marinara sauce. When it was stated to bring clippers, would pruners for plants work? What type of glue is used? And finally, does the rocks/rubble need to be dry?



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Just got through unloading all the sps colonies. Needless to say there is some awesome looking stuff. Get psyched!! Does anyone have a Dremel and cutting disks they can bring? This would ensure some cleaner cuts on some of the stuff. Don't forget to bring things for your frags.

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I'm gonna bring my dremel for the mjmod anyway so we can use that. I have a bunch of discs too.


I cut up some shrouds tonight. I'm gonna do a few with the pvc test caps so ppl w/o some of these tools can do it at home.





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