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DIY Rapid LED walkthrough


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Beautiful color! Are they on the ramp up cycle or are they on 'high noon' full cycle?


Based on the image I just took it was at full color. I was playing around with them so I wanted to get it at the best possible time. the sun up sun down thing is pretty cool. So glad I did this build. I can't believe it took me this long to decided to do this.

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50% dimmed or did you open your driver and adjust svr2 if not you may need to do that or your blues could burnout in a hurry also you may want to check your whites i had to bump my whites down because these drivers have a max current output of 1.3 Amps and as you mentioned the whtes are rated for a max of 1 Amp food for thought


The drivers have a printed rating of 1.3 amp but have tested as high as 1.8 amps-to be safe its best to adjust them down to around 700mA unles you run them in a series of 24 or 36 which would reduce the mA by 50 percent or 66 percent if I am not mistaken


Jesse here is how you adjust your driver;



adjusting and dimming are two seperate animals


and here a re few diagrams if you drivers are not adjustable or you have a larger driver or you are not comfortable adjusting or or or ..........


All depends what your driver is rated for and how many LEDs you run per driver;


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hmm well i noticed when i unplug the drivers for mine they flash once my assumption is it is bleed off from capacitors in the circuit but if that was the case it wouldnt continue to happen so how do you have it set up if you use the dimmer to dim them off it is possible that the capacitors are building up that electricity and once it gets to a point high enough to force the diode on it drains rapidly causing the flash so if thats how your turning them off that might be the case otherwise i have no idea

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so how are you turning it off? im not sure how your contolling yours it is also a possibility that the current didnt get turned down far enough when i did mine i had it set to an acceptable current and when i shut it off the lights stayed on they were dim but noticeably on do you have access to a multimeter?

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They are completely off now.


Hopefully they stay that way-(Laugh) Mine do the random "lightning storm" everynight when they shut down as they all use that last bit of current. I have the LED programmed through different profiles on the apex and then I have the plug that the drivers are in programmed to be on or off depending on the time of day.

So at 11am for example the plug goes on, and depending on the profile determines the what percentage the LEDs are on.

If you are getting them dimmly lit 24/7 you have a short/ground somewhere-


Here is a test, put your arm in the tank and touch that arm against the side of the heatsink-(scary) That little zap you feel, thats that random current keeping your LEDs lit-(whistle)



Its a nice little feeling on the inside of your tricep, you know the tender area-(naughty)


Welcome to DIY


Its all good Jesse, all mine do this

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Hopefully they stay that way-(Laugh) Mine do the random "lightning storm everynight when they shut down. I have the LED programmed through different profiles on the apex and then I have the plug that the drivers are in programmed to be on or off depending on the time of day.

So at 11am for example the plug goes on, and depending on the profile determines the what percentage the LEDs are on.

If you are getting them dimmly lit 24/7 you have a short/ground somewhere-


Here is a test, put your arm in the tank and touch that arm against the side of the heatsink-(scary) That little zap you feel, thats that random current keeping your LEDs lit-(whistle)



Its a nice little feeling on the inside of your tricep, you know the tender area-(naughty)


Welcome to DIY


Its all good Jesse, all mine do this


It's so unfortunate that I can't get to the heatsink. It's underneath the plastic cover from the factory biocube lighting. Darn.....(whistle)


Glad to hear that yours do it too. I did notice it the past few days but I figured it out that it was just the outlets like you are saying.

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I've setup the lights now to be on with the whites for 5 hours starting tomorrow. The ramp up has taken a little bit but I really don't want to burn any of my corals. So far everything has adapted just fine. I picked up a green millie yesterday and it's polyp extension is amazing! Can't wait to get my order from TECO on friday to add to the tank as well.

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Noob i was talking to Bill at Reef LED Lights about the 'lightening storm that some you were talking about and he said it's typically not enough or too many LEDs on a driver. The minimum is 9 and max is either 13 or 15, depending on the driver. He is really helpful and has always picked up the phone when i have called. Here's a link for his drivers, i'm sure yours is on here. http://reefledlights.com/how-to-diy-led/driver-faqs/

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  • 1 month later...


I noticed you have a DIY setup and a reefkeeper lite. I am wondering if you have your LED drivers plugged into slots 1 and 4? These two ports have mechanical relays instead of solid state relays. I noticed something similar lightning storm thing happening last night on my tank after I added a reef keeper. Note: I had my drivers plugged into 3 and 4 yesterday.


After doing a bit of reading about it, it seems that LED drivers may require you to use ports 1 and 4 on your PC1 for the LEDs because they have a poor power factor. I am trying it out and seeing if it does it again tonight. I am curious if this will solve the issue.


Now I just need to find another port to stick my top off plug onto. (scratch)

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I noticed you have a DIY setup and a reefkeeper lite. I am wondering if you have your LED drivers plugged into slots 1 and 4? These two ports have mechanical relays instead of solid state relays. I noticed something similar lightning storm thing happening last night on my tank after I added a reef keeper. Note: I had my drivers plugged into 3 and 4 yesterday.


After doing a bit of reading about it, it seems that LED drivers may require you to use ports 1 and 4 on your PC1 for the LEDs because they have a poor power factor. I am trying it out and seeing if it does it again tonight. I am curious if this will solve the issue.


Now I just need to find another port to stick my top off plug onto. (scratch)


There was no "lightning storm" in my tank last night so I think this was indeed the problem. I guess now I will see if it works long-term.

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  • 1 month later...
There was no "lightning storm" in my tank last night so I think this was indeed the problem. I guess now I will see if it works long-term.


Somehow I missed this post in my thread..DOH!


I'm sure you've figured it out since then, but when I had that issue with mine I just adjusted the port on the PC4 to turn off as soon as the ALC module shut off so there was no longer power to the drivers.


On a side note I can't belive this thread has almost 2500 views! I posted it up on reefcentral too so I guess that's what happens. Hope it's helping others jump on the DIY bandwagon if they are interested in LED's too!

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