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I have the great honor of working at the lane community college wet lab. One of the things I get to do is fill up their tanks and then sell off things they have extra of. The wet lab program does not get a lot of funding from the biology department. So in order to earn money, I am propagating rose bubble tip anemones. I have so far been offered $20-$40 depending on size (under 6in) from a store in credit. If you're interested in buying a rbta just let me know, I can put you on a waiting list for when more are available. At this point, I have 2 at approximately 3in available. I also have some other corals available.

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They might split more in a smaller tank. I started out with 1 in my old 55 and had to start giving them away after they split for the third time but I would think they should do fine but could bother other corals being in a tight space.


Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt.

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