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Unless it get's into your display tank I wouldn't worry about it myself. Most people freak out about them but all in all they help filter your tank just like everything else. Once they get into your display they can take over pretty fast but if you can keep them in your sump or refugium you shouldn't have a problem. IMO

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Camel shrimp eat them? I thought it was Peppermint shrimp.


FWIW, my Peppermint shrimp went to town on those things! Gone in 3 days.


Anyhow, get rid of them with a Peppermint shrimp or Aiptasia-X if your tank has fish that would eat the shrimp.



Peppermint shrimp is correct!! Sorry about that:-(

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Yup - Aiptasia -


Just got an established tank to get back into the hobby and it's loaded with them... Thanks to a stop at Barrier Reef in Renton, I picked up a couple of little peppermints today and we'll hopefully get rid of the problem.

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