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calling all sump designers


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My wife wants the new tank to be a 24" cube. it's a very cool idea, but how do I do a sump? I think I'd have an external overflow, probably 4". so I might be able to use a 28" by 24" area under the tank, minus the 2x4 posts in each corner. it will be a tall stand...bottom of tank will probably be 36-42" from the floor. tank will be glass, sump probably acrylic. with a bigger stand, I was planning on having a return/skimmer section (skimmer pump plumbed external from below filter socks, skimmer outlet pour back into sock section/into socks), then a low-flow macro section, maybe a high-flow (added PH) LR section, final baffles for return. I plan on minimalist/naturalist and plan to just throw a bag of carbon in with the macro as needed. I could always drill the acrylic to add a phosphate reactor or something off the side.


so...how would you design/build your sump in such a small footprint? It'll definitely be custom

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cube sump


I have a marineland 24 X 24 X 24 cube that I built a sump for. I made my stand 32" wide to accommodate a 29 gallon sump, the refugium section of the sump is viewable from the side of the stand. Its a great setup but I am about to do another biuld so I was planning on selling my setup. If you would like pics, advice I would be happy to help.

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