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wall separation on sump


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I bought a pretty expensive sump last year to go with my 60 gallon cube. One of the inner seams that attaches to the midpoint of the outside wall has started to come unglued. The outside seams of the sump are sealed for now, but now that this one seam is loose, the outer wall bowes out more.


I'm going to brace the side of the sump that is bowing out with something for the time being. I'm concerned that the additional stress is going to rip an outside seam and catastrophe will ensue. Am I on the clock to change out the sump?


Also, are sumps supposed to be this janky? I paid 200 bucks for something to hold 12 gallons of water, I would think that it would last a LONG TIME. Is this something I should bring up to the LFS if it's less than a year old or are sumps just a crapshoot?


Thanks for the help. Here is a really blurry photo of what's going on.



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"I bought a pretty expensive sump last year to go with my 60 gallon cube. One of the inner seams that attaches to the midpoint of the outside wall has started to come unglued. The outside seams of the sump are sealed for now, but now that this one seam is loose, the outer wall bowes out more."


This has happened to me too. Mine was from grabbing in that area and trying to move the sump while full.DOH!


Can't really tell what's going on from the picture. But if it were me I would pick a day (very soon) take it out and re-glue it with Weld-on Cement Maybe #16. Here is a link. http://www.ipscorp.com/assembly/acrylic

Should be able to find it pretty easy. Good luck!

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Can't tell from the pic. Is the bowing happening on the outside walls of the sump? I am assuming this is acrylic? What is the thickness of the acrylic/glass?


Yah 200 is a bit much for a 12gal sump. I bought an acrylic 20gal sump for $45 brand new. Anything that holds water can be used as a sump.

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yeah....i got hosed on the sump and all my initial starting gear. Could have got the same setup for half (or less) if I would have gone on the forum first.


Anyway, it's made of acrylic and I'm pretty sure it's 1/4"


I have some stuff that I got from TAP plastics that should do the trick.

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yes I am going to switch out sumps entirely, but thanks for the warning. Going to just use a (12" tall) x(40" wide) x (56" long) reservoir I have that is just taking up space. It'll make for a great frag tank as well.


The sad part is that this gigantic reservoir was only 140 when I bought it and is 10X more useful.

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