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reusing sand........ Im confused


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Hey guys.. I was wondering about used sand.. I have heard you shouldn't stir the sand up in your tank yet i see used sand for sale.. Wouldn't it be the same?(scratch)


The reason I am asking is because i got a 180g tank and had to remove the sand to get the tank into the house on the stand. How would i go about reusing the sand? Just a good rinse or? Thanks for the help

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sweet thats what i figured but just wanted to be sure... now my next question what is the best way to rinse 3 five gallon buckets worth of sand??? Ive never rinsed this much just done a few lbs


I used a thirty gallon tub and put about a third of the bucket in the container and used a garden hose... Don't tell anyone else I did that though..lol


I did let it dry out for a few weeks after that though


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